
vermont / English

Stories published on Jun 17
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  • Stories published on Jun 17

Monday, Jun 17


Central Vermont Medical Center adds metal detector, new security procedures


People headed to the emergency department at the Central Vermont Medical Center will need to follow new security procedures.

Vermont Legislature passes law allowing for the creation of a drug overdose prevention center


The Vermont Legislature has enacted a law that allows for the creation of a pilot overdose prevention center in the state’s biggest city, Burlington

Vermont Lawmakers Override Governor’s Veto Of Bill To Create Safe Drug Consumption Site In Burlington

“The reason this is happening is my own lapse, not paying attention as closely as I should have been.” By Kastalia Medrano, Filter Vermont has authorized a safe consumption site (SCS) pilot, after a General Assembly vote against…

Vermont farmers see strong start to hay harvesting


Farmers across our region are taking advantage of the sunny weather to get in their first hay crop of the season. As Adam Sullivan explains, this year is off to a much-needed strong start.

Vermont Legislature overrides governor and passes a law allowing for the creation of a drug overdose prevention center


Vermont Legislature overrides governor and passes a law allowing for the creation of a drug overdose prevention center.

Vermont Legislature overrides governor and passes a law allowing for the creation of a drug overdose prevention center


MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — Vermont Legislature overrides governor and passes a law allowing for the creation of a drug overdose…


HUD official visits Vermont to discuss housing needs


A federal housing official stopped In Burlington on Monday to discuss the area's housing needs.


More Vermont schools connecting with local farms to feed kids


More Vermont schools are connecting with local farms to make sure kids have the nutrition they need. Our Hailey Morgan visited one school to see why the program is so important.



Vermont Botanists Find a Long-Lost Friend


Blink and you'll miss it, in more ways than one. Not only is false mermaid-weed "absolutely tiny"—with flowers the size of a head of a pin—but it surfaces for only about a month in the spring before dying, explains Smithsonian and the…


1st-generation Vermont farmer defies the odds


While many Vermonters take over family farms or leave them altogether, a young Chittenden native is forging his own path to farming.


Vermont Legislature passes law allowing for the creation of a drug overdose prevention center


By LISA RATHKE Associated Press The Vermont Legislature has enacted a law that allows for the creation of a pilot overdose prevention center in the state’s biggest city, Burlington. The Democratic-controlled Legislature on Monday overrode…


Vermont Governor Vetoes Data Privacy Bill As Too Hostile to Business, Nonprofits

Vermont’s governor has vetoed a broad data privacy bill that would have been one of the strongest in the country to crack down on companies’ use of online personal data by letting consumers file civil lawsuits against companies that break …

Sunday, Jun 16


Un avión desapareció en Vermont hace más de 53 años. Los expertos creen que lo han encontrado en el lago Champlain


(CNN) — Kristina Nikita Coffey tenía cuatro años cuando el avión en el que viajaba su padre perdió el contacto…

Saturday, Jun 15



Stuck in Vermont: Planting peonies to keep Burlington beautiful


A Burlington man has spent decades dedicated to keeping Burlington beautiful. Seven Days' Eva Sollberger introduces you to the Johnny Appleseed of peonies.

Friday, Jun 14


New law allows Vermont Veterans’ Home to expand, but can it afford to?


A new law signed by Gov. Phil Scott attempts to expand health care services for veterans in Vermont. But as our Laura Ullman learned, that expanded care won't be coming anytime soon.


Vermont Cannabis Convention underway in Essex Junction


The Vermont Cannabis Convention returned to the Champlain Valley Expo on Friday.