

Today News


You (And Your Kids) Should Avoid These 29 Snacks, Even Though They Taste Great


Let’s face it, we Americans simply love to snack. Just take a look at the massive $156.7 billion snack food industry that’s growing at 6.9% every single year! While tasty, all that mindless munching on junk foods has contributed to an…


If You Love Your Loves Ones, Then Do Not Leave Any Of These When You Die


As parents, we all want the absolute best for our kids, not just during our lifetimes, but even after we’re gone. Sure, leaving an inheritance can provide financial help, but if we’re not careful, it can accidentally cause emotional, legal…


Tired Of Spending So Much?: 18 Cheap Foods


Have you ever looked at your grocery bill and felt a little overwhelmed? I’ve been there too. As someone who loves good food but also wants to save money, I’ve learned a thing or two about eating well without breaking the bank. In this…

Do Not Do These 30 Activities If You Are Over 75


We all have loved ones that have hit this magical milestone. Or maybe you've reached 75 yourself! 75 and older can be a wonderful chapter to life, but some things no longer make sense to do.

Tuesday, Jul 16


31 Hardest Parts of Getting Older That No One Really Wants To Talk About


Getting older is a fact of life, but there are many tough realities that come along with it that often get overlooked. While some parts are liberating, plenty of challenges make the aging process difficult to navigate at times. As a study…

20 Reasons Gen Z Can’t Get a Job, and Why Companies Won’t Hire Them


The job market is changing as Gen Z enters the workforce. Born between 1997 and 2012, this generation brings new perspectives and expectations, leading some employers to rethink their hiring approach. This shift affects both businesses and…

Monday, Jul 15


24 Things (Most) People Over Age 60 Should Stop Doing


We've curated a list of "24 Things People Over Age 60 Should Never Do Again," aiming to challenge stereotypes and encourage a lifestyle rich in health, happiness, and meaningful connections.

Fix These Foolish Mistakes in Your Will Before It Is Too Late


Many individuals tend to focus on the major assets like property and finances when creating a will. But the smaller details can greatly impact the loved ones left behind. In a 2023 survey by lawdepot, it was revealed that 73% of people do…

17 Organic Food Myths That Many People Are Wrong About


Have you noticed the surge in popularity of organic farming lately? It seems like everyone is talking about it and making the switch to organic foods. And the numbers don’t lie, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, organic…

31 Things You Should Never Do Again After You Turn 50


Turning 50 is often seen as a milestone in one’s life, signifying half a century of experiences, challenges, and achievements. While age is just a number, this stage in life brings about a series of considerations, especially regarding…

Sunday, Jul 14


18 Side Hustles For College Students (With Pay Estimates & Video)


College students are uniquely positioned to tap into a goldmine of side hustles in this digital age, where opportunities are just a click away.


20 Foods Many People Believe Are Healthy, But They Are Wrong


Like many parents, I try my best to make nutritious food choices for my family. I pore over nutrition labels, stock up on fruits and veggies, and avoid anything that seems unhealthy or loaded with junk.

My Review And Tips For Renting a Cruise America RV (With Kids)


Renting an RV can be a fantastic way to explore the great outdoors with the comforts of home on wheels. I have rented RVs several times now from several companies, and I have more than 10,000 miles in RV rentals! Our last RV rental was…

22 Ways Technology Has Made Americans Lives Worse


Digital technology has brought many benefits to our lives. It has made communication faster, information easier to find, and many tasks simpler. But as we embrace these advancements, it’s worth thinking about what we might be giving up…

17 Money-Saving Tips That Secretly Cost You More


We all want to save money, right? It’s like a never-ending game of trying to keep more cash in our pockets. But here’s the thing, sometimes the tips we use to save money can end up costing us more in the long run. As evidenced by a study…


Don’t Forget To Change These Often Overlooked Filters Around Your House


We often overlook certain areas when cleaning our homes. One of these hidden spots includes filters in everyday household items. These filters play a crucial role in removing dust, dirt, and allergens in air, water, and various appliances.…

Saturday, Jul 13


Fix These 32 Ticking Time Bombs Around Your House, According To a Real Estate Pro


In my 24 years as a real estate investor, I’ve encountered countless property issues. Through firsthand experience, I’ve compiled this comprehensive list of pitfalls so many homeowners fall into. Now, I’m here to share that hard-earned…


????27 Traditions That Americans Are Losing Quickly ????


In a world where every minute is accounted for and every dollar stretched, the cherished practices of yesteryears often stand as quaint relics to the modern family. Reflecting on the past can offer a hearty dose of nostalgia but also a…


13 Pieces of Bad Financial Advice That Most People Still Believe (According to A CFA)


In the digital age, where advice is as plentiful as it is varied, discerning the worthwhile from the worthless is crucial, particularly concerning your finances. I am a Chartered Financial Analyst with more than 20 years of experience in…

Cornstarch Hacks: 35 Clever Uses for Cornstarch Around the House


When you think of cornstarch, what comes to mind? For most of us, it’s probably thickening gravies or sauces in the kitchen. But this humble pantry staple has so much more to offer. Cornstarch is a secret weapon for tackling all sorts of…

Friday, Jul 12


Struggling To Shed Weight? 11 Filling Foods That Help Curb Appetite


It is no secret that obesity rates in the United States continue to rise. The causes of obesity are complex and multi-faceted, but they can broadly be divided into two categories: lifestyle choices and genetic factors. But what if you…

Help Wanted: Industries Struggling To Find Enough Qualified Applicants


The hiring landscape in 2024 is nothing short of turbulent. Across industries, companies are facing immense challenges in attracting and retaining the talent they desperately need. A recent report by The World Economic Forum has sounded…


22 Dead-End Careers Expected To Be Gone in the Next Decade


The future of work is hurtling towards us at breakneck speed, fueled by a relentless tide of automation and artificial intelligence (AI). While this technological revolution promises exciting new opportunities, it also casts a long shadow…

Thursday, Jul 11


The Future of Tipping: Is a No-Tip Culture on the Horizon?


Is the US moving towards a no-tip culture? Learn about the current state of tipping and the possibility of change in the near future.

12 Foods That Spoil Quickly And Tricks To Make Them Last Longer


Properly storing food in the refrigerator is essential for preserving freshness and extending shelf life. Certain foods have a surprisingly short lifespan, even under optimal refrigeration. Understanding the specific storage needs, signs…

Wednesday, Jul 10


The Reasons Why Most Companies Don’t Want to Hire People Over 50 Anymore


There’s a noticeable trend in the job market lately. Companies seem less likely to hire people over 50 years old, leaving older job seekers feeling left out and wondering why. According to the Journal for Labour Market Research, older…


24 Tasty Foods That Are Much Healthier Than You Think


Have you ever felt totally confused about what you should and shouldn’t eat? With so much conflicting nutrition advice out there, it’s no wonder many of us are scratching our heads about which foods are actually good for us. I know I’ve…

Why Do People Buy These 22 Things? They Are Free!


Have you ever paid for something that you could have gotten for free? It might surprise you, but it happens more often than you’d think. Paying for services and products that you could get for free can really add up over time. We all love…

Smart Travel: Before You Leave On Vacation Get These Done


I like to travel, but I do not like to pay for things I am not using. I also hate coming home to a messy house. Whenever we go on vacation, I go through my checklist of things to do before going on a trip. In this article, I’ll share my…

Tuesday, Jul 9


14 Signs Of Higher Intelligence: Habits Of Smart People


Intelligence isn’t just about acing tests or having an impressive vocabulary. It’s about the little things. The subtle habits and actions that reveal a deeper kind of smarts. Recognizing these traits in others can be a game-changer,…