

Today News


Stop Wasting Money! 25 Hidden Fees You Can Avoid


Hidden fees can quietly erode your family’s budget, leaving you wondering where your money went. In this guide, we will reveal 25 common hidden fees and offer practical tips to avoid them. By the end, you’ll be armed with strategies to…

Baby Oil Magic: 30 Surprising Uses to Save Money in Your Daily Routine


In today's world, we're always looking for ways to stretch our budgets and get more value out of the products we buy. What if we told you there's an affordable, multi-purpose item hiding in plain sight that could save you money in…


22 Ways Childhood Was Freer (and Riskier) in the 1960s


The 1960s, often celebrated for its vibrant cultural revolutions and the rise of a free-spirited youth culture, also presents a startling contrast to today’s highly regulated and safety-conscious world, especially when it comes to…

Friday, May 31


STOP Using Chemicals To Get Rid Of Weeds (With Video)


Whether you're a beginning garden or on a decades-long journey, I've recently discovered a tool that gives me the best results when de-weeding my flower beds and gardens.

Kill Weeds the Natural Way: Our DIY Solution Costs Pennies! (With Video)


If you have a lawn or garden, you know that weeds can be a never-ending battle. It almost feels like as soon as you pull one out of the ground, another immediately appears in its place.


25 Things That Will Be Too Expensive For the Middle-Class Soon


Life is a constant balancing act of desires and budgets. Sometimes, there’s abundance; other times, every penny counts. For the middle class, this often means a tightrope walk between aspirations and financial realities. In the next ten…

30 Overlooked Discounts For Seniors, That Are Easy To Get


Navigating the golden years should come with as many perks as possible, and hidden discounts for seniors are a fantastic way to make that happen. As costs of living rise, being aware of these exclusive discounts can significantly ease…


24 Things People Over Age 60 Should Stop Doing


We've curated a list of "24 Things People Over Age 60 Should Never Do Again," aiming to challenge stereotypes and encourage a lifestyle rich in health, happiness, and meaningful connections.

Thursday, May 30


10 Common Cleaners That Are Toxic, and Their Safer Alternatives (That Work!)


The smells of cleaning products, disinfectants, and laundry soaps for many people are signs of a clean home. While the overpowering aroma of furniture polish or laundry soap may evoke certain pleasant associations or childhood memories,…


Gray Divorce: The Rising Number Of Single Seniors in America


Over the past few decades, we’ve witnessed an interesting social shift occurring across America. More and more seniors are choosing to end their marriages and live on a new path as single individuals. This trend has become so widespread…


29 Snacks That You Should Not Eat, Even Though They Taste Great


Let’s face it, we Americans simply love to snack. Just take a look at the massive $156.7 billion snack food industry that’s growing at 6.9% every single year! While tasty, all that mindless munching on junk foods has contributed to an…


Tennis Balls Beyond the Court: 26 Clever Tennis Ball Hacks


Tennis balls are incredibly versatile and can be used for so much more than just hitting them back and forth on the court. With a little creativity, you can repurpose these fuzzy orbs into all sorts of handy household items and fun DIY…

Do NOT Leave Any Of These 25 Things To Loved Ones When You Die


As parents, we all want the absolute best for our kids, not just during our lifetimes, but even after we’re gone. Sure, leaving an inheritance can provide financial help, but if we’re not careful, it can accidentally cause emotional, legal…

Graduate in Style: Top Graduation Nail Ideas for 2024


Prom and graduation season is a right of passage into adulthood for many teens. High school graduates are heading off to college life (or whatever lies ahead). As moms we want to support our children on their journeys in life. What better…

Wednesday, May 29


22 Myths Many People Believe In Despite Being Proven Wrong


In an age where information is just a click away, it’s surprising how many misconceptions still hold sway in our collective minds. These myths, passed down through generations, continue to shape our understanding of the world in ways that…

Struggling To Drop Weight? These 11 Filling Foods Can Help Curb Appetite


It is no secret that obesity rates in the United States continue to rise. The causes of obesity are complex and multi-faceted, but they can broadly be divided into two categories: lifestyle choices and genetic factors. But what if you…

Help Wanted: 17 Industries Struggling to Find Enough Qualified Workers


The hiring landscape in 2024 is nothing short of turbulent. Across industries, companies are facing immense challenges in attracting and retaining the talent they desperately need. A recent report by The World Economic Forum has sounded…

12 Flexible Jobs That Pay $20 an Hour (With Video)


This post will explore some of the best-paying jobs that pay $20 an hour or more.

Tuesday, May 28


Frozen Yogurt Dots Recipe: How To Make Dipping Dots (With Video)


If you have young kids who love afternoon snacks, this is a fun and simple idea to change up the way they eat their yogurt. Since my kids love Dippin’ Dots I thought I’d make my own version. Frozen Yogurt Dots as a healthy dessert for the…


Are You In The Upper Middle Class? 20 Signs Someone Is Upper Middle Class


Ever find yourself wondering if you’ve made it to the upper middle class? This socio-economic group sits comfortably between the middle class and the ultra-wealthy, enjoying a lifestyle marked by financial stability, access to…


Organic Farming: 17 Common Myths Exposed


Have you noticed the surge in popularity of organic farming lately? It seems like everyone is talking about it and making the switch to organic foods. And the numbers don’t lie, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, organic…

13 Pieces of Bad Financial Advice That People Still Believe


In the digital age, where advice is as plentiful as it is varied, discerning the worthwhile from the worthless is crucial, particularly concerning your finances. I am a Chartered Financial Analyst with more than 20 years of experience in…

Wave Goodbye to the Old School! 27 Traditions That We Are Losing Fast ????????


In a world where every minute is accounted for and every dollar stretched, the cherished practices of yesteryears often stand as quaint relics to the modern family. Reflecting on the past can offer a hearty dose of nostalgia but also a…

Monday, May 27


24 Tasty Foods That Are Way Healthier Than You Think


Have you ever felt totally confused about what you should and shouldn’t eat? With so much conflicting nutrition advice out there, it’s no wonder many of us are scratching our heads about which foods are actually good for us. I know I’ve…


Frugal Expert: My Favorite Last Minute Memorial Day Deals (Updated!)


Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links. At ChaChingQueen we love hunting for the best deals and sharing our finds with you. Memorial Day is the perfect time to score some fantastic savings. We’ve found some of our favorite…

Retirement Expert: Avoid These 23 Costly Mistakes in Your Will


Many individuals tend to focus on the major assets like property and finances when creating a will. But the smaller details can greatly impact the loved ones left behind. In a 2023 survey by lawdepot, it was revealed that 73% of people do…

Mother Nature Prescribes: 22 Activities to Soothe Your Soul


How are you feeling? As a parent of 3 little kids, I know how hectic and overwhelming modern life can be. I am not alone. We all know how busy life is. But what if I told you there’s a surprisingly simple way to boost your mental well…


12 Everyday Foods With A Surprisingly Short Life (Even in the Refrigerator)


Properly storing food in the refrigerator is essential for preserving freshness and extending shelf life. However, certain foods have a surprisingly short lifespan, even under optimal refrigeration. Understanding the specific storage needs…

Sunday, May 26


23 Clever Ways to Reuse Your Coffee Grounds and Save Money


I love getting creative with natural ingredients as affordable and eco-friendly alternatives to harsh chemical products. Not only does it save money, but it’s so much better for the environment, a win-win! One humble ingredient that has…

How to Declutter a Coat Closet: A Parent’s Guide (With Video)


As parents to three young kids and with an active lifestyle, our coat closet can become overwhelming quickly. Between growing kids and our various layers for running, managing the coat closet requires a strategic approach.