

Friday, Jun 28


Pacific Alliance holds public-private discussion on the roadmap for MSMEs and entrepreneurship


June 27, 2024. – This morning, in the framework of the International Day of MSMEs, the Technical Group of SMEs of the Pacific Alliance organized a discussion (in a hybrid way) on the Public-Private Roadmap for the Development of MSMEs and…

Friday, Jun 21


Seminar on Pacific Alliance investment promotion focused on start-ups held in Korea


June 21, 2024.- The “Investment Promotion Seminar on the Pacific Alliance Markets”, organized by the Seoul Office of UNIDO ITPO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization – Investment & Technology Promotion Office) and the…

Wednesday, Jun 5


Pacific Alliance holds webinar on data registration and interoperability


June 4, 2024.- On this day, staff from the Ministry of Social Development and Family of Chile held a virtual webinar on the institutional and regulatory framework of the Social Information Registry, the Social Household Registry (RSH) and…

Tuesday, Jun 4


IIPA-AP Network researchers participate in course on oceanographic data processing


The Pacific Alliance Network of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutions (IIPA-AP Network) has agreed to promote and share training opportunities on topics of interest to the institutions of the member countries.


IIPA-AP Network researchers participate in course on oceanographic data processing


The Pacific Alliance Network of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutions (IIPA-AP Network) has agreed to promote and share training opportunities on topics of interest to the institutions of the member countries.

Thursday, May 23


Ninth Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting to be held in Chile is launched


The event to be held in Chile will feature three major events: a food innovation bootcamp, the largest international virtual job fair in the region and will culminate with the Youth Meeting that will take place on October 23 in Santiago de…

Thursday, Dec 28


The Government of Hungary offers scholarships to the countries of the Pacific Alliance


The Pacific Alliance wishes to inform the citizens of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru that the 2024/2025 Call for the “Stipendium Hungaricum Program”, through which the Government of Hungary offers eight scholarships, is open.

Thursday, Dec 14


Pacific Alliance, with the collaboration of the Republic of Korea and ECLAC, holds a workshop to promote the participation of MSMEs in the bloc’s cross-border electronic commerce


December 14, 2023.- The Workshop “Promote the participation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in cross-border electronic commerce between the countries of the Pacific Alliance”, organized by the SME Technical Group and…

The Technical Group for Development and Social Inclusion of the Pacific Alliance launches Social Observatory


December 14, 2023.- This Thursday took place the official launch of the Social Observatory of the Pacific Alliance (PA), designed and implemented by the Technical Group for Development and Social Inclusion of the PA, with technical support…

Monday, Dec 4

The Public Procurement Observatory of the Pacific Alliance was officially launched


It is an electronic platform that seeks to promote the participation of the business, academic and civil society sectors, in order to share relevant information on public procurement, with a view to eliminating barriers to trade and…

Thursday, Nov 30


Wednesday, Nov 15


The webinar on Climate Change organized by the Network of Fisheries andAquaculture Research Institutions of the Pacific Alliance (IIPA-AP Network) was widely attended


November 14, 2023.- On November 10, 2023, the webinar “Climate Change: vulnerability and possible effects on fisheries and aquaculture” was held, an event that brought together more than 100 attendees from the different countries that…

Friday, Nov 10

Public-Private Dialogue: Public-Private Roadmap for the Development ofMSMEs and Entrepreneurship in the Pacific Alliance


9 November 2023.- Within the framework of the II Meeting of the SME Exporter of the Pacific Alliance (PA), which took place on November 9 and 10, in the city of Lima, Peru, the Public-Private Dialogue was held in relation to the proposal…

Thursday, Nov 9


Friday, Nov 3


Successful completion of the Pacific Alliance’s Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture project


The initiative was financed by the PA Cooperation Fund, and executed by the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Chile, through the Universidad de Concepción and the Future of Fish Foundation.

Tuesday, Oct 31


Joint Press Release | Meeting between the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) and the National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance


The annual meeting between the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) and the National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance was held on 31 October 2023 in hybrid format to give continuity to the activities of the 2021-2025…

Wednesday, Oct 25


The International Seminar on psychosocial occupational risks: Towards mental well-being at work was successfully held


October 3, 2023.- With the participation of representatives from the countries of the Pacific Alliance, and guests from MERCOSUR, was held in Santiago, Chile, the International Seminar on occupational psychosocial risks: “Towards mental…

Friday, Oct 20


COMMUNICATION | Pacific Alliance Youth Volunteering – 2023 Edition


The Pacific Alliance Youth Volunteering Program – 2023 Edition has been successfully completed!

Thursday, Oct 19

Wednesday, Oct 18

Wednesday, Oct 11

The Pacific Alliance promotes dialogue between public and private actors to foster business digital security


October 10, 2023.- On September 26 and 27, the Pacific Alliance, through the Subcommittee on Digital Economy (SCED), held the “Workshop on Business Digital Security and private transactions”, in the framework of the implementation of the…

Friday, Sep 22


Technical Subgroup on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of the Pacific Alliance held the first technical session on sustainable taxonomies


September 22, 2023.- On September 20, with the participation of nearly 30 technicians from the region, the Technical Subgroup on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (SGT-MRV) of the Pacific Alliance, with...

Wednesday, Sep 6


Meeting of the High-Level Group of the Pacific Alliance takes place in Lima


September 6, 2023.- The High-Level Group (GAN) of the Pacific Alliance (PA), which brings together Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and their representatives from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, met last Friday,…

Tuesday, Sep 5

Cooperation, sustainability and positioning: the keys to the first seminar on attracting tourism investment of the Pacific Alliance


The meeting, which took place in Santiago, brought together the main sectoral authorities from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, as well as professionals from other Latin American countries. September 5, 2023.- To generate a strategy to…

Monday, Sep 4

Successful closing of the 1st Sustainable Tourism Business Meeting of the Pacific Alliance


A space to learn about the best of the sustainable tourism offerings of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, identify synergies and establish strategic alliances. September 4, 2023.- Within the framework of the Tourism Cooperation Agreement…

Thursday, Aug 31

National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance meet in Lima


31 August 2023 – The National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance (PA), a regional integration mechanism made up of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, met today in Lima, Peru. During the meeting, the National Coordinators addressed issues…

Friday, Aug 4


First Business Meeting on Sustainable Tourism of the Pacific Alliance


A space to learn about the best of the sustainable tourism offerings of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, identify synergies and establish strategic alliances. August 4, 2023 – Within the framework of the Pacific Alliance Tourism…

Tuesday, Aug 1



With the presence of representatives from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, the handover ceremony of the pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance from Chile to Peru was held today in Santiago. The ceremony was headed by Chile’s…

Monday, Jul 31

National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance meet in Santiago, Chile


July 31, 2023 – The National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance (PA) -a regional integration mechanism in which Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru participate- met in Santiago, Chile, in a meeting that, among other matters, addressed the…

Tuesday, Jul 18

Diagnosis of rural women’s entrepreneurship in the Pacific Alliance presented


July 18, 2023.- On June 28, 2023, Universidad de la Frontera presented in a virtual event the “Diagnosis on the participation of rural and indigenous entrepreneurship in productive chains: towards the construction of a strategy that…