

Monday, May 27


Gwynne Launches Election Campaign


Andrew Gwynne, Labour Candidate for Gorton & Denton, marked the start of the election with a campaign launch at the Pakistani Community Centre in Longsight. This election will be the first time the Gorton & Denton seat is contested…

Friday, May 17


Clamping Down on Ticket Touts


Your favourite artist is playing a once-in-a-lifetime show. Your team are on the brink of winning the league. What’s more – tickets to see them live go on sale tomorrow morning. Unfortunately for you, when you refresh the ticket site at 9…

Friday, May 10


End The Rafah Offensive Now


Over the weekend, the worst fears of many of us who have been watching the scenes coming out of Gaza in recent months have come to pass. Israel has begun a major offensive in the Palestinian settlement of Rafah, where hundreds of thousands…

Thursday, May 2

Local Elections: Why they matter, and why you should have your say


This Thursday, May 2nd, people will go to the polls right across the country to vote in a range of different local elections. Here in Tameside, we have two elections happening. Firstly, are the elections to Tameside Metropolitan Borough…

Wednesday, Apr 24


Celebrating St George’s Day


St George’s Day serves, in an ever-growing world, as a reminder of our national and cultural identity here at home. From mystic tails of the man himself slaying a dragon in a feet of immense bravery and courage many years ago, to the flags…

Friday, Apr 19


Gwynne Backs Voter ID Campaign


Andrew Gwynne, MP for Denton and Reddish, has backed the campaign to remind all voters of the new Voter ID rules ahead of local elections on May 2. Changes to electoral law now require anyone voting in person at a polling station to…

Wednesday, Apr 17


Making Smokefree A Reality


Smoking, both in take up, and the public perceptions of it, has changed immeasurably, for the better, over the course of the last few decades. Long gone are the days of smoke-filled pubs and clubs, and cigarette advertising all over our…

Thursday, Apr 11


Making Your Voice Heard


Voting in elections is a fundamental part of our democracy. It is not just the act of putting a cross in a box, but is the mechanism by which people dictate the future of laws and services which play a huge role in their daily lives. The…

Wednesday, Apr 3


Celebrating 50 Years of Tameside


April 1st marks 50 years since the creation of the Metropolitan Borough of Tameside, via the Local Government Act. Named for the River Tame, which runs through the borough, Tameside brings together a collection of towns, each with their…

Tuesday, Mar 26


Embracing the Meaning of Ramadan


This year, 11 March – 9 April marks the holy month of Ramadan, the ninth month on the Islamic Calendar. Ramadan, one of the five pillars of the Islamic faith, commemorates the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and…

Monday, Mar 25

Stockport Interchange: Levelling Up in Action


Proper public transport is transformative to local communities. Not just in terms of getting people from A to B, important though that is, but for the wider impact it has across society. The environmental benefits are clear, getting cars…

Wednesday, Mar 20


Celebrating Our Creative Industries


Culture is the very fabric of our communities. It’s the stories we tell, the songs we sing, and the traditions we hold dear and pass down through the generations. But we cannot let that mean that they exist purely as a “nice to have”,…

Thursday, Mar 14

Celebrating Our Commonwealth Diversity


This week we marked Commonwealth Day, an opportunity for us to come together as a family of nations, and celebrate our shared history, and united future. 2024 also marks the 75th anniversary of the Modern Commonwealth, created to allow for…

Thursday, Mar 7


Gwynne Slams Empty Tory Budget


Andrew Gwynne, MP for Denton and Reddish, has slammed the budget delivered by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt yesterday. The budget, set to be the last before the next general election, sets both the government’s spending plans for the year ahead,…

Tuesday, Mar 5

Building an NHS fit for the future


After 14 years of Conservative rule, so much of our country is simply broken, with no sense of a brighter future. No where is this more apparent than in our National Health Service. The NHS is a treasured institution for millions of people…

Wednesday, Feb 28


Standing with Ukraine


Last weekend marked the second anniversary of Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, showing frank disregard for international law and causing immense suffering to the Ukrainian people. This anniversary gives us chance to reflect on the…

Wednesday, Feb 21


A New Deal for Working People


After 14 years of Conservative government, there is one key question we should be asking ourselves ahead of the general election. Are we better off than we were in 2010? For working people here in Tameside, the answer is an emphatic no.…

Wednesday, Feb 14


Supporting Our Trade Unions


This week is #HeartUnions week, and in our part of the world, we have plenty to be thankful to our trade unions for. Greater Manchester has a proud tradition of trade unionism, from Peterloo, to the Chartists, to the founding of the Trade…

Thursday, Feb 8


Fighting Another Tory Tax Rise


At its core, council tax is a fundamentally unfair, regressive tax, based on outdated housing valuations from over three decades ago, and does not accurately reflect the situation we have today. This means that, in addition to the…

We Need Long-Term Clarity On A Local Plan


Local plans make a real difference to communities; they are statutory for a reason. They help lay out the framework for the needs of an area, and a roadmap for what positive, constructive development will look like for residents. There is…

Tuesday, Feb 6


Taking Inspiration From Tameside’s Volunteers


Here in Tameside, we have always prided ourselves on the strength of our community spirit. Always looking out for each other, taking pride in our local area, and not being shy to muck in when there’s something that needs fixing. It is…

Wednesday, Jan 31


Getting Tameside’s Kids Into The Classroom


Last week, Labour published a long-term plan to tackle persistent school absence and drive high and rising standards in education, an issue I raised in this week’s Education Questions in Parliament. Levels of persistent school absence in…

Wednesday, Jan 24


Denton Carnival Needs You


Denton Carnival Steering Committee has called for the local community’s support ahead of the group’s AGM next week. Several people have come forward with offers of help following the steering group’s initial meeting earlier this month, but…


Rwanda: A Tory Gimmick


Last week we yet again saw the government fall into disarray over their attempts to get the Rwanda Bill through the Commons. Make no mistake, this Bill doesn’t stop the boats, doesn’t save lives, and doesn’t deliver value for British…

Wednesday, Jan 17


Labour launches plan to tackle “generation challenge” of persistent absence in schools


Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson has launched a new long-term plan to tackle the “generational challenge” of persistent absence of children from school, after new data from the party exposed the scale of the problem…

Tuesday, Jan 16


A Healthier Future for Tameside’s Children


As the late, great, Whitney Houston once said, children are our future. Ensuring they have the best start in life isn’t just the right thing to do now, it’s the right thing to do for the long-term health and prosperity of the country. But…

Tuesday, Jan 9


Justice for our Sub-Postmasters


Post Offices, and the Sub-Postmasters that run them, have been absolute pillars of communities up and down the country for decades. They don’t just provide a service, they are often valued community hubs where you can do much more than…

Tuesday, Dec 19


Fixing Tameside’s Teeth


The crisis in our National Health Service is having a devastating impact in communities across our country. Spiralling waiting lists, inaccessible services, and worse outcomes for patients. Everywhere you turn, things are getting worse,…

Tuesday, Dec 12


New HIV testing funds for Tameside’s hospital to find those living with undiagnosed HIV


HIV testing is to be ramped up in Tameside courtesy of new funding for opt-out HIV testing in Tameside General Hospital’s A&E department, following high profile support from local MP Andrew Gwynne. This comes after new Health Secretary,…


Tackling Loneliness at Christmas


Christmas can be a difficult time of year for many of us. The expectation to be happy and jolly all the time often takes its toll, particularly when this time of year can bring back old memories of those no longer with us, or of happy…