

Monday, May 13


How is this Government able to condemn some countries on their records and not others?


The Government has created safe routes and visa schemes for victims of other conflicts but not for Palestinians. The Government condemns certain countries for their human rights record, supports self-determination for some and celebrates…

Tuesday, May 7


When will the UK Government admit the truth about arms sales to Israel?


When will the UK Government admit the truth about arms sales to Israel and Israel’s targeting of Palestinian civilians?

Saturday, Apr 27


People’s Inquiry report into Bibby Stockholm


This week, a new report was launched by campaign groups on the Bibby Stockholm barge. Shocking testimonies from people living & working there described the inhumane “prison-like conditions.” Campaigners are demanding that any new…

Continuing to arm Israel is immoral and unjustifiable.


Continuing to arm Israel is immoral and unjustifiable. Complicity is unforgivable. Rally for Palestine Hyde Park, London

Wednesday, Apr 24

Lobby for Palestine


Today I met with constituents in Parliament as part of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK lobby. If you’re a constituent who hasn’t been in touch about Gaza but would like to, do drop me an email!

Wednesday, Apr 17


The UK Government can no longer hide behind “Pleading” with the Israeli Government to stop the carnage


“Pleading” with the Israeli Government to stop the carnage and the deliberate denial of aid to Gaza, is not a strategy the UK Government can continue to hide behind. But watch here the Minister’s response to my question on exactly this:

Saturday, Apr 13


Stop arming Israel


How many of those slaughtered in Gaza have been killed by British-made arms? Our message to the Prime Minister is simple and clear: Stop arming Israel.

Tuesday, Apr 2


Key Israeli figures called for the killing of Palestinians using the language of collective punishment — this is what is happening.


We have seen key Israeli figures call for the killing of Palestinians — this is what is happening.

Friday, Mar 29

Reflecting on women and domestic abuse – #WomensHistoryMonth


As #WomensHistoryMonth comes to an end, I’ve been reflecting on women and domestic abuse. In particular, how strategic litigation against public participation (SLAPPs) is being used to silence women from speaking out.

Tuesday, Mar 26


The case of Julian Assange has profound consequences for press freedom


Today, the world and Julian Assange will find out whether the price he should pay for his whistleblowing activities, is extradition to the US. A few weeks ago, I spoke about why his case has profound consequences for press freedom.

The UN Security Council has now voted for an immediate ceasefire – When will the UK stop arming Israel?


It’s almost two months since the ICJ’s plausible genocide ruling and the UN Security Council has now voted for an immediate ceasefire. When will the UK Government stop arming Israel?

Sunday, Mar 17


The Right to Protest, The Far-Right, Palestine Solidarity and Standing With Diane Abbot – Interview With JOE


This week I spoke to ​⁠JOE Media about the right to protest, far-right extremism, solidarity with the Palestinian people, and why we must stand with Diane Abbott.

Monday, Mar 4


The Push Q&A Panel


Honour-based abuse is a form of abuse which occurs in all communities, impacting people of all backgrounds. It can lead to murder. A statutory definition of this abuse could help prevent such a loss of life. An honour to meet Fawziyah…

Immediate Ceasefire Now


Yesterday, over a 100 people were horrifically killed trying to reach aid in Gaza. In Rafah, a full ground offensive is on the horizon. Having not called for an immediate ceasefire, has the Govt upheld its own obligations under…

Saturday, Mar 2

The Government Must Ban Conversion Therapy


Conversion therapy brings so much harm to the LGBTQ+ community. The time to outlaw it was a long time ago. The Government has not yet delivered on its promise to do this, and is not supporting Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP’s Bill today. I’ll…

Saturday, Feb 24

Protect Press Freedom – No to the Extradition of Julian Assange


Public accountability and democracy cannot be limited only to what those in power dictate. This case of Julian Assange has profound consequences for press freedom and democracy around the world.

Thursday, Feb 22


Monday, Jan 29


Question on ICJ ruling


Today, I asked the Government what steps it’s taking to ensure it fulfils its own obligations under international law, following provisional measures ordered by the ICJ last week. The Minister’s response:

Sunday, Jan 21


22 Years since the opening of Guantanamo


It’s now 22 years to this month, since the Guantanamo Bay detention facility was opened. I joined campaigners in London to mark this anniversary in protest, reaffirming calls for its closure and the release of detainees held inhumanely…

Saturday, Jan 20


The staffing crisis in the DWP


At the Department for Work & Pensions, PCS Union members are highlighting the impact of the staffing crisis, on their mental health. They need a Real Living Wage, now.

Sunday, Jan 14


Peace and Freedom for Yemenis and Palestinians – We demand a global ceasefire!


Palestinians and Yemenis deserve both peace and freedom. We demand a global ceasefire.

Sunday, Dec 10


Speech at the Palestine rally – 09/12/2023


How many innocent Palestinian civilians have been killed by UK arms?

Sunday, Nov 26

Thursday, Nov 16

Speech at the Rally for Palestine Outside Parliament


Palestinian lives are just as important as everyone else’s.

Saturday, Nov 11


None of us are free until we are all free!


The situation is beyond urgent. We demand nothing short of an immediate ceasefire.

Saturday, Oct 28


Palestine Rally Speech – 28/10/2023


Even after the darkest of nights, our solidarity and sense of humanity will not be crushed.

Saturday, Oct 21

Speech at the Palestine March in London – 21/10/2023


The entire world is witnessing in real time, the crimes against humanity being committed against innocent Palestinian civilians. Today, we said: not in our name!

Monday, Mar 13


Visit to the Junior Doctors picket line


Proud to stand with junior doctors and support them on the picket line this morning outside the Royal London hospital. These doctors are fighting to defend their profession, protect their patients and save our NHS. They deserve our full…

Sunday, Mar 12

Women’s History Month 2023


Pleased to attend the local Mohila Ongon Bangladeshi women’s group International Women’s Day event and mark Women’s History Month 2023.

Wednesday, Mar 8

International Women’s Day


I was please to start #InternationalWomensDay2023 with students at New City College, Tower Hamlets. Here in the East End, our rich history of women’s struggles for rights continues to inspire us — to challenge outdated ways of doing things…