

Wednesday, May 29




Parliament has now dissolved until the General Election on 4 July. I will not be standing for re-election and am no longer an MP.

Tuesday, May 7


Increasing the Sustainability of our Rivers and Streams – from Greenstreams in Huddersfield to the Westminster Commission on the River Thames Renaissance in London.


Having long held an interest in sustainability, The Greenstreams Project was set up in 2009 with the help of a dedicated, core group of campaigners. The purpose of Greenstreams was to clean up the rivers around Huddersfield, with a focus ……

Tuesday, Apr 16


Transport Safety Part 1 – Ruling the Roads


In my article Saving Lives with Seatbelts – with a Little Help from Charles and Diana | Barry Sheerman, I detail the car accident that started my lifelong ambition to reduce death and serious accidents in road crashes, an accident ……

Thursday, Mar 21


My Thoughts on the Serious Omissions of The Spring Budget 2024 – Defence and The Environment


In last week’s debate on the Budget Resolutions, I delivered possibly my last speech on the Budget, after 44 years of serving as a Member of Parliament for Huddersfield. It is the 50th Budget I have experienced, delivered by the … Continue…

Thursday, Mar 14


Saving Lives with Seatbelts – with a Little Help from Charles and Diana


Ever since I was a child of 10 or 11, I have held a deep interest in transport safety. At that age I was lucky enough to win a prize at school for passing my Cycling Proficiency Test. The prize was … Continue reading →

Tuesday, Feb 20


Hydrogen – Leading the Charge for a Sustainable and Efficient Transport Network


I regularly see commuters on the London Underground standing on the platform and staring up at the screen that announces the time of the next train. Very often they have a look of irritation on their face. I understand what … Continue…

Wednesday, Dec 6


Access to books is crucial for our children: Libraries For Primaries


Libraries For Primaries Event The other day I had the pleasure of attending the pre-launch event of the Libraries for Primaries report being published by the National Literacy Trust. The event was a celebration of a cause that deeply…

Monday, Apr 17


Grassroots Environmentalism


Why Grassroot Movements are Important Over the course of my parliamentary career, I have been a keen and active social entrepreneur, this includes environmental and sustainable initiatives. These include Sustainable Huddersfield, the…

Monday, Jan 30


January Update


This month we have seen the Government dragged into a crisis of integrity yet again. The Chairman of the Conservative Party, Nadhim Zahawi, has been found guilty of mismanaging his tax accounts whilst chancellor, having to pay back…

Wednesday, Nov 23


Giving Tuesday is happening on 29th November – how will you make a difference?


2022 has been a challenging year for so many. Whether recovering from the impact of the COVID pandemic, witnessing the war in Ukraine, or feeling the bite of the cost-of-living crisis, I know it has been tough for many. That’s … Continue…

Thursday, Nov 3


Labour’s Plan for Green Growth


Labour’s plan In this blog I want to talk about Labour’s Green Growth plan. The planet is getting warmer, increasing the risks of flooding and extreme weather. Labour wants to take the country forward by harnessing British manufacturing…

Monday, Oct 31


Autumn Update


As I write this blog post, Rishi Sunak has been our Prime Minister for just under a week. I’m as fed up as anyone at seeing the never-ending Tory psychodrama play out in real time. We have just witnessed the … Continue reading →

Tuesday, Aug 16


A Birthday Fundraiser!


Tomorrow is my birthday! I want to use it to raise awareness for some of the fantastic charities I get to work with as MP for Huddersfield. If you’re feeling generous, do consider supporting their work. The Welcome Centre Platform ……

Thursday, Aug 11


The Energy Crisis


Over the last few weeks, I have read many emails from constituents regarding the current energy price crisis, and I would like you to know that I share your deep concerns. Families across the country are facing a catastrophic rise ……

Monday, Aug 1


The Parliamentary Recess


As Parliament goes into its Summer Recess, MPs have all returned home to their constituencies. This is the longest recess of the year, stretching from the 22nd July to the 5th September. Throughout this period, my office and I will ……

Monday, Jul 18


Home-Start Kirklees


Last Friday, I had the privilege of cutting the ribbon to open up Home-Start Kirklees’ new office located in Bates Mill just outside the town centre. It was a lively event, with great attendees. It is always a pleasure to work with local…

Wednesday, Jun 29


A Summer Update


As June draws to a close, the country is once again gripped by industrial action on a scale not seen on the railways for over 30 years. The Conservative Government is paralysed by its own internal division, its only means … Continue…

Wednesday, Apr 13


An Easter Update


Over the last two weeks, Parliament has paused for the Easter holidays. I thought this would be a good time to update you on some of my recent work. Of course, Putin’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine remains the most substantial, … Continue…

Thursday, Mar 17


The invasion of Ukraine


 We have all been shocked by the horrific scenes emanating out of Ukraine over the last two weeks. President Putin’s cowardly and illegal war surmounts to war crimes. His attacks against innocent civilians are depraved and we all mourn the…

Thursday, Feb 17

An inalienable right to breathe clean air?


Does each one of us possess an inalienable right to breathe clean air? Or do we settle for a poisonous alternative, an alternative whereby each one of us is subjected to harmful emissions, with devasting implications for our health and ……

Wednesday, Feb 9

Diesel Particulate Filters – My Ten Minute Rule Bill


On Tuesday I had the privilege of presenting a Ten-Minute Rule Bill to the House of Commons. A Ten-Minute Rule Bill is a way that MPs can argue for a certain law to be made or changed. It’s very rare … Continue reading →

Monday, Jan 17


‘Levelling up’ must be sustainable


What is levelling up? Like many, this is a question I’ve pondered over the last two years since Boris Johnson became Prime Minister. With Michael Gove promising to finally release his long-delayed white paper on levelling up this month,…

Monday, Jan 10


The latest inflation forecasts


On the first Prime Ministers Questions of the year, Angela Rayner caught Boris Johnson off-guard by grilling him on the latest inflation figures. Angela’s pointed questions come off the back of worrying rises in inflation, with some…

Friday, Dec 17


A Christmas Update


As Parliament breaks for Christmas, I would like to take this opportunity to update my constituents on what I have been working on over the last month. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a … Continue reading →

Thursday, Nov 18


An update on my parliamentary work


Return from November Recess As Parliament broke for Recess this month, I thought it would be a good time to provide an update to my constituents on my latest work in the House of Commons in the week leading up to … Continue reading →

Tuesday, Nov 2


Westminster Commission on Autism Report – “Support Surrounding Diagnosis”



Friday, Oct 29


Westminster Commission on Autism – Report Launch


I have a close personal interest in issues that affect autistic people and the wider neuro-divergent community, as well as a professional interest having previously chaired the Education Select Committee. As a result of this interest,…

Wednesday, Oct 27

The HGV Crisis


I’m sure you, like me, have been watching the news reports unfold of the impact of HGV driver shortages across the country with real concern. The HGV driver shortage has had a profound impact on so many elements of our … Continue reading →

Levelling up?


Two weeks ago, at Prime Ministers Questions, I asked the Deputy Prime Minister, Dominic Raab, if he was really committed to levelling up the North of England and our regions. In recent months we have heard a lot from the Government about…

Return from Summer Recess


As Parliament has returned from Summer recess this month, I thought it would be a good time to provide an update to my constituents on my work over this past month in the House of Commons Chamber. Levelling Up At Prime … Continue reading →