

Tuesday, May 21




Unlike the UK government, the Scottish National Party welcomes the decision by the International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants against Hamas leaders involved the October 7th atrocity and its decision to file arrest warrants on…

Saturday, Feb 3


SNP urges Cameron to be ‘on right side of history’ after ICJ’s Israel ruling


As Foreign Affairs Spokesperson for the SNP Westminster Group, I wrote to the Foreign Secretary in response to the finding of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case of the Application of the Convention on the Prevention and…

Thursday, Jan 11


Brendan O’Hara MP questions the Foreign Secretary over the situation in Gaza


Tuesday 9th January 2024 was the first opportunity for the Foreign Affairs Select Committee to question the new Foreign Secretary David Cameron, on the situation in Gaza. You can see here the full exchange I had when I questioned him on…

Wednesday, Nov 15


Call for a ceasefire in Gaza – 14th November


Please find below my full contribution to FCDO Questions on Tuesday 14th November, calling for an urgent and immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Friday, Jun 16


SNP Opposition Day Debate on the need for a dedicated Cost of Living Committee


During an SNP Opposition Day Debate in Westminster on Wednesday 14th June, my colleagues and I called for the UK Government to set up a dedicated Cost Of Living Committee – to better understand the impact of Brexit and the cost-of-living…

Friday, May 26


SNP call for UK Government to scrap prohibitive visa requirements to support fishing industry


Earlier this week, the UK Government announced that several fishing industry roles were to be added to the UK’s occupation shortage list. The Scottish fishing sector has been hugely struggling to employ enough deckhands and fishing related…

Monday, May 22

HPMAs – letter to constituents


Argyll & Bute MP Brendan O’Hara, has urged his constituents to leave the Scottish government “in absolutely no doubt as to the strength of feeling that exists across Argyll & Bute on the issue of HPMAs.” In a letter targeted at those…

Tuesday, Apr 18


Press release: Argyll & Bute MP fears HPMA plan will accelerate depopulation crisis


Argyll & Bute MP, Brendan O’Hara has written to the First Minister, Humza Yousaf, urging him to ditch the controversial proposals to introduce Highly Protected Marine Areas in the waters off the West Coast of Scotland, saying that the plan…

Thursday, Mar 30


Oban & Helensburgh visits


Friday 24th March I started out my day by dropping into the excellent Jean’s Bothy in Helensburgh. ENABLE Scotland have been working with Jean’s Bothy to run a Writing for Wellbeing Group, and they have published their book ‘Peace of Mind’…

Monday, Mar 20


Press Release: Brendan O’Hara MP fiercely condemns UK Government’s decision to increase spirit duty by 10%


Argyll & Bute MP, Brendan O’Hara has fiercely condemned the UK government’s decision to increase spirit duty by 10% in last week’s budget and has called on the Chancellor to come to the House of Commons to explain to MPs why he has chosen…

Tuesday, Feb 21

Monday, Jan 30


Visit to Oban on Friday 27th January


On Friday 27th January, I headed to Oban to carry out a constituency advice surgery at the Rockfield Centre and also visit some of the excellent organisations that are based in and around the area. The first stop was the Scottish…

Tuesday, Jan 10


January 2023 Newsletter


I hope that everybody had an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas and New Year Period. Please find below my most recent newsletter, with information on what I have been busy doing both in the constituency and in Parliament throughout the past…

Sunday, Dec 11

Human Rights Day 2022: Launch of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Law, Justice and Accountability


December 10th marks the 74th anniversary of the adoption of one of the most important documents of our times, the United Nations’ universal declaration of human rights. Although it is the most translated document in the world, and is…

Thursday, Dec 8


Press Release: Cronyism ‘rife’ in Tory Government, says Brendan O’Hara MP, as Baroness Mone makes £29 million from dodgy PPE contracts


Following reports that Tory VIP covid contracts enabled Baroness Mone to hide millions offshore, the SNP has said that independence for Scotland is the only way we can escape the cronyism and economic mismanagement of Westminster. It has…

Wednesday, Nov 2


Press Release: Brendan O’Hara MP calls for fully independent investigation into Royal Navy sexual harrassment claims


On Tuesday, I spoke in the House of Commons after several whistleblowers and victims of sexual harassment came forward to speak of their traumatic experiences whilst serving in the Royal Navy. Many woman have spoken out about the continued…

Wednesday, Oct 5


Autumn Newsletter 2022


There has been a lot happening over the past few weeks and I am glad to finally be getting back to Parliament after a short break during recess and due to the sad passing of the Queen. In that time, the new Government has announced a…

Thursday, Sep 29


PRESS RELEASE: Brexit Freedom’s Bill is ‘another Tory power-grab’, says Brendan O’Hara MP


The aim of the Retained EU Law (Reform and Revocation) Bill is to repeal all EU regulations in the UK, including those protecting safe limits on working hours and parental leave, and standards on water quality and baby food. The UK…

Wednesday, Sep 28


Visit to Islay – Monday 26th September


I had an excellent day over on Islay this week, visiting some local businesses and organisations in the community. I started my day off by meeting with Neil Woodrow of the Ionad Chaluim Chille Ile / Gaelic Centre in Bowmore. They are…

Friday, Sep 23


Dunoon Grammar School make it to final 3 in World’s Best School Awards


It was a pleasure to visit Argyll Gardens in Dunoon yesterday and to hear that Dunoon has made it to the final 3 in the World’s Best School Awards. It is absolutely fantastic that they have continually fended off competition to be in the…

Wednesday, Mar 9


UK Government accused of lacking “basic humanity”


Speaking at at Prime Minister’s Questions today, I said that compared to the kindness & generosity being shown by the public towards the people of Ukraine, his government is displaying a complete lack of “basic humanity” in how it is…

Monday, Feb 28


Further sanctions taken against Belarus welcomed


As the SNP International Human Rights Spokesperson, Brendan O’Hara MP welcomed the announcement of further sanctions being taken against Belarus for their complicity in Russia’s attack on Ukraine, and awaits a response from the UK…

Re-iterating SNP’s unequivocal support for & solidarity with the people of Ukraine


During Cabinet Office Questions last week, Brendan O’Hara MP began by reiterating the Scottish National Party’s unequivocal support for, and solidarity with the people of Ukraine, following Putin’s invasion. Brendan also took the…

Tuesday, Dec 14


Tory plan will undermine our human rights


Controversial reforms ‘hot on heels of multiple, dreadful pieces of legislation designed to trash rights’ Today in Parliament, the UK Justice Secretary launched a review of human rights laws that Amnesty, Liberty & human rights lawyers say…

Thursday, Dec 2


MP support for paid miscarriage leave campaign


‘Parents experiencing miscarriage should be able to grieve their loss’ Yesterday I signed up to the campaign to introduce paid leave for families who experience a miscarriage before 24 weeks. Ahead of the second reading of the Miscarriage…

Friday, Nov 26


Speaking up for the victims of persecution


Reported cases of kidnap, rape, murder and forced conversion are ‘tip of the iceberg’ Yesterday in the House of Commons, I spoke in the debate secured by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief, about the need…

Thursday, Nov 25


Challenging Tory party on cash for peerages


This morning in the House of Commons, the Minister for the Cabinet Office was asked a series of questions relating to whether the government would conduct a review of the process for appointing peers to the House of Lords. This follows…

Friday, Nov 19


An appreciation of Walter Smith’s ‘remarkable’ contribution to Scottish Football


Brendan O’Hara MP leads tribute to former Rangers manager in Parliament Earlier this week I led a debate in the House of Commons on the life of former Rangers and Scotland manager Walter Smith. As I said in my speech. even though Walter’s…

Thursday, Nov 18


Government must come clean on multi-million Covid contracts

Call for full disclosure on Randox as corruption scandal continues to engulf Tory party Yesterday afternoon I led for the SNP in the debate into the scandal involving former Tory MP Owen Paterson and Covid testing firm Randox, which…


Summer/autumn 2021 newsletter

I hope the last few months have been a bit easier for everyone as coronavirus restrictions ease and we are able to get out and about a bit more. It remains important that we still do what we can to follow guidance and help reduce the risk…