

Monday, Jun 24


SmallBizLady Summer Reading List 2024

It’s Summer, and that means it’s time a grab a good book and grow your expertise. There are many business books that have delivered an array of insightful and actionable reads. There are a particular set of books that I find valuable for…

Thursday, Jun 20


The SmallBizChat Podcast: What Can We Do Post the Fearless Fund Case with Melinda Emerson

In this episode, Melinda discusses the Fearless Fund lawsuit, systemic inequities faced by black entrepreneurs, and alternative support methods for minority and women business owners. She also shares resources for grants, venture capital,…

Monday, Jun 17

A Guide to Building Retirement Savings as a Business Owner

There are lots of way to build retirement savings as a business owner. Having retirement savings is crucial to ensure financial security and independence in your later years. It allows you to maintain your standard of living, cover…

Thursday, Jun 13

June 2024 #SmallBizChat: How to Start a Business on Amazon

#Smallbizchat Podcast LIVE is a monthly video interview show where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #Smallbizchat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss.…

Monday, Jun 10


How to Make Yourself and Your Business Googleable: A Guide for Start-Ups and Corporate Refugees

Being “Googleable” is crucial for business success. Whether you’re a start-up entrepreneur or a corporate executive transitioning to small business ownership, establishing a strong online presence is essential. This guide will provide…

Thursday, Jun 6


The SmallBizChat Podcast: Hit It & Quit It with Lisha Bell, Alyson Caffrey, and Mickie Kennedy

In this episode, Melinda Emerson listeners and introduces guests Lisha Bell, Alyson Caffrey, and Mickie Kennedy. They share their favorite business apps and top business books. The “hit it and quit it” segment provides rapid-fire insights.…

Monday, Jun 3


How to Run Your Small Business on the Cheap

Running a small business involves a delicate balance between cutting costs and maximizing results. For many entrepreneurs, finding ways to reduce expenses without sacrificing quality or efficiency is a constant challenge. This…

Thursday, May 30


The SmallBizChat Podcast: How to Get Regular Local Media Coverage with Mickie Kennedy

In this episode, Melinda Emerson chats with Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases, about securing local press for small businesses. They discuss Mickie’s journey, tips for effectively pitching to local media, common mistakes, and his best…

Monday, May 27


How to Build An Online Community

In today’s digital age, building an online community has become an essential strategy for small business owners to connect with their audience, foster engagement, and drive growth. An online community offers a platform for building…

Thursday, May 23


The SmallBizChat Podcast: How Getting Rest Can Grow Your Business with Alyson Caffrey

In this episode, Melinda Emerson chats with Alyson Caffrey about her journey as a solo entrepreneur and the importance of setting boundaries. They delve into the Sabbatical Method, overcoming guilt in business, and maintaining work-life…

Monday, May 20


Pros and Cons of Hiring Family Members in Your Small Business

It can be tricky to hire family members in your small business. It can be both rewarding and challenging. Hiring family members can bring a sense of trust, loyalty, and shared vision to your business, fostering a tight-knit team…

Thursday, May 16


The SmallBizChat Podcast: How to Fund Your Business From Investors with Lisha Bell

In this episode, Melinda Emerson chats with Lisha Bell about her journey into angel investing and venture capital. They delve into understanding different types of investors, common mistakes in seeking investment, and strategies for…

Monday, May 13


The Essential Ingredients of Business Success

In business, success is not merely a destination but a journey. It’s a journey paved with challenges, opportunities, and pivotal moments that shape its destiny. While each entrepreneurial journey is unique, there are certain essential…

Thursday, May 9


The SmallBizChat Podcast: How to Be in Business For Yourself, Not By Yourself with Melinda Emerson

In this episode, Melinda discusses the role of teamwork and mastermind groups in business, shares tools for improving personal productivity, and offers tips on balancing business and child care. She talks about the importance of building a…

Monday, May 6


Can You Turn a Side Hustle into an Empire?

The concept of the side hustle has gained significant traction in the last few years. No one is confined to the traditional nine-to-five grind these days. Especially since 2020, people have been increasingly developing side hustles to…

Friday, May 3


The SmallBizChat Podcast: Hit it & Quit It with Angelic Williams and Aprelle Duany

In this episode, Melinda Emerson welcomes Angelique Williams and Aprelle Duany for a lively discussion. They delve into their “Hit it and Quit It” philosophy, share favorite business apps, and offer some old school marketing tips. The…

Monday, Apr 29


Celebrate National Small Business Week 2024

Join me and the Small Business Administration for National Small Business Week from April 28 – May 4, 2024. This is our nation’s celebration of the 33.5 million small businesses across the country. Small businesses are the backbone of our…

Thursday, Apr 25


The SmallBizChat Podcast: How to Leverage AI to Grow Your Business with Aprelle Duany

In this episode, Melinda Emerson talks with Aprelle Duany about the role of AI in businesses. They discuss Duany’s journey into AI, practical applications, and the challenges encountered in its adoption. Also, they explore how AI improves…

Tuesday, Apr 23


How to Hire a Virtual Assistant

Hiring a virtual assistant (VA) can be a valuable investment for small business owners looking to streamline operations, increase productivity, and focus on core business activities. Whether you need help with administrative tasks,…

Thursday, Apr 18


The SmallBizChat Podcast: How to Build Business Credit with Angelic Williams

In this episode, Melinda Emerson chats with Angelique Williams about the nuances of business credit. They delve into its difference from personal credit, the significance of the Paydex score, and the steps to build a business credit…

Monday, Apr 15


Are You Keeping Your Business Commitments to Yourself?

Entrepreneurship is a spiritual journey as much as anything else. It requires making commitments that often extend beyond the promises made to employees, vendors, and clients; it also encompasses the pledges we make to ourselves. These…

Thursday, Apr 11


The SmallBizChat Podcast: How to Love On Your Customers Better with Melinda Emerson

In this episode, Melinda Emerson shares a personal story about a failed purchase attempt, highlighting the importance of well-managed inventory and transparent pricing. She discusses strategies for handling customer dissatisfaction and the…

Monday, Apr 8


How to Find the Perfect Business Idea

Embarking on the path of entrepreneurship is not merely about having the drive and passion; it’s also about channeling that energy into the right business opportunity. Once you’ve scrutinized your abilities, identified your strengths, and…

Thursday, Apr 4


The SmallBizChat Podcast: Hit it & Quit It with Gloria Chou, Dan Stalp, and Dave Newell

Gloria Chou is an award-winning Small Business PR coach and host of the top-rated Small Business PR Podcast. Her untraditional yet proven PR methods that allow anyone to gain top-tier, earned media without needing to hire an agency, have…

Monday, Apr 1


Strategies to Grow Your Subscriber List for a Newsletter or Blog

Growing your subscriber list for a small business newsletter or blog is vital for expanding your reach, increasing engagement, and driving conversions. Building a robust subscriber base allows you to connect with your target audience,…

Thursday, Mar 28


The SmallBizChat Podcast: How to Align Your Small Business with Dave Newell

Dave Newell is on a mission to “align the misaligned” — connecting leaders with systems that foster outstanding work and personal fulfillment. He collaborates with small business leaders to implement the Five Facets of Business™ — a small…

Monday, Mar 25


Strategies to Improve Your Closing Rate as a Small Business

Mastering the art of sales is essential for driving growth and success. One key metric that directly impacts your bottom line is your sales closing rate—the percentage of leads or prospects that ultimately convert into paying customers.…

Thursday, Mar 21


The SmallBizChat Podcast: Understanding the Winning Mindset with Dan Stalp

Dan Stalp is known as an energized entrepreneur, a business mentor, and a popular local and national speaker. Dan is the award-winning owner of Sandler Training of Kansas City, a renowned business development, coaching, and sales training…

Monday, Mar 18


18 Ways to Go From Running Small Business to Building a Brand

Many small businesses become successful at selling stuff but can’t seem to take it to the next level. Why? They have yet to build a brand. Building a brand is what all small business owners need to strive for to get noticed, gain…

Thursday, Mar 14


The SmallBizChat Podcast: How to Pitch Yourself for PR with Gloria Chou

Gloria Chou is an award-winning Small Business PR coach and host of the top-rated Small Business PR Podcast. Her untraditional yet proven PR methods that allow anyone to gain top-tier, earned media without needing to hire an agency, have…