

Sunday, Jun 30


Anthony's work to support lifeboats

During the pandemic, I visited Hope Cove Lifeboat to learn more about their work and the challenges they were facing, as an independent search and rescue organisation.

Saturday, Jun 29


Anthony's work on road maintenance

While I have been out and about across South Devon, one regular topic of conversation is potholes. As someone who drives hundreds of miles across the area each month, I share residents' frustration about the number and severity of potholes…

Friday, Jun 28


Anthony's work on the environment

Safeguarding our environment against overdevelopment, pollution and intensive farming is essential. Having grown up walking the South West Coast Path and swimming in our rivers and seas, I am very well aware of the area's beauty and the…

Thursday, Jun 27


Anthony's work on the Slapton Line

The A379 Slapton Line has been a constant source of concern. With ever-increasing storms and adverse weather conditions, it is absolutely essential that we protect this road which is of great social, economic and historic importance.

Wednesday, Jun 26


Anthony's work on digital connectivity

The South West has traditionally lagged behind in digital connectivity, restricting opportunity and investment. I have also spoken many times before about the need to address the imbalance between primary and secondary homeownership here…

Tuesday, Jun 25


William Hague supports Anthony Mangnall

Having worked for William Hague over the years, I was pleased to welcome him to South Devon to support my campaign.


Anthony's work on Park Homes

Since I was elected in 2019, I have been working to support the park home residents who live in sites across South Devon. I have been shocked at some of the challenges faced by the residents in terms of inflation of bills, maintenance of…

Monday, Jun 24


Anthony's work on banking

It is a source of continual pride that South Devon became home to one of the country’s first Banking Hubs. Having worked with local councillors and the Cash Access group for over a year, I was very happy to be able to open Brixham's…


Anthony's work on trade

Having been a member of the Business and Trade Committee and previously the International Trade Select Committee, I have spent a great deal of time over the past few years examining evidence and questioning experts relating to trade.


Anthony's work on Careers and Opportunities

Raising the aspirations of young people and helping them towards their next step has been a passion for me.

Sunday, Jun 23


Anthony's work on second homes and holiday lets

Housing is an issue that many of us across the south-west feel extraordinarily passionate about, with many local people currently experiencing difficulties in finding affordable housing to rent or buy. This is perpetuated by the…

Saturday, Jun 22

Anthony's work on social care

As the UK’s growth rate dramatically declines and the population ages, then the stresses and strains on the social care network are only likely to grow ever more intense, so we need to consider how our local network can help shape the…

Friday, Jun 21


Anthony is joined by William Hague & Arminka Helic

Huge pleasure to have William Hague and Arminka Helic in South Devon yesterday supporting me and my campaign.

Tuesday, Jun 18

Anthony's work on education

We are lucky to have some outstanding educational establishments in South Devon for people of all ages, from village preschools to the University Centre at South Devon College.

Monday, Jun 17


Anthony's work on investment.

As well as being a proud tourist destination, we have a multitude of nationally leading businesses in a range of industries.

Friday, Jun 14


Anthony's work on water quality

Over the past four and a half years, I have consistently challenged the poor record of South West Water.

Thursday, Jun 13

Anthony's work on rural healthcare

Improving access to local healthcare has long been one of my top priorities.

Tuesday, Jun 11


Anthony visits local care home

Thanks to The Fleet Care Home for welcoming me along this afternoon to speak to residents - a pleasure to discuss a range of topics and highlight my work for the local area.

Anthony attends NFU hustings

Great to join the NFU this morning for a hustings with local farmers, many of which I have helped over the past four and a half years.

Monday, Jun 10


Anthony's work on housing

It is absolutely clear that South Devon needs more housing.


Anthony Mangnall: Housing

It is absolutely clear that South Devon needs more housing.

Friday, Jun 7


Brixham water update 07/06

Below is the update I received from South West Water on Thursday 6th June: "As our work continues, with colleagues working day and night to flush the network to remove any further contamination, we want to thank our customers, visitors and…


Anthony's work on dentistry

That is why the Conservative Government changed the system to provide better financial support to dentists working within the NHS, to expand the NHS dental workforce, and to implement new initiatives such as dental vans. These changes are…

Thursday, Jun 6


Anthony's work on fishing

Over my four and a half years in Westminster, I have spent a great deal of time working on behalf of the fishing sector, and have even spent days and nights at sea to gain a greater understanding.

Tuesday, Jun 4


Anthony's work on tourism and hospitality

The tourism and hospitality sectors are vital parts of our economy here in South Devon.

Monday, Jun 3

Anthony's work on farming

As the Parliamentary Candidate for a rural area where agriculture plays such an important role in our local economy, I am passionate about supporting our farmers.

Register to vote

If you want to vote in the UK Parliamentary general election on 4 July, you need to be registered to vote.

Saturday, Jun 1

Berry Head update

The rope system to prevent illegal fishing has been put in place at Berry Head and the PSPO is being enforced.

Friday, May 31


Anthony Mangnall: Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for South Devon

I’m honoured to be the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for the South Devon constituency.

Thursday, May 30


Update on Brixham Water situation 30/05/2024

Anthony has the following update from South West Water regarding cryptosporidium in the Brixham area: Over the past week we have cleaned our reservoirs and flushed the network several times in an attempt to remove the remaining traces of…