

Monday, Apr 29


Launching the Clean Thames Action Plan

Last week I was pleased to host the Port of London (PLA) in Parliament to launch the Clean Thames Action Plan. We are so lucky to have the River Thames on our doorstep and it is thanks to the PLA that we can enjoy it.

Friday, Mar 8


The Spring Budget Debate

Last year, the government cut your National Insurance from 12% to 10%. This week the Chancellor announced we are your National Insurance again from 10% to 8%. That’s a £900 tax cut for people on average salaries. Our economy has gone…

Thursday, Mar 7


Draft Mental Health Bill

As Minister for Mental Health, I brought forward a review to the outdated Mental Health Act with a promise it would be reformed. Five years later and we are still awaiting this much needed reform.

Monday, Nov 13


King's Speech Debate

This week MPs debated the King’s speech. I spoke about the need for mental health reform and the ongoing challenges regarding Healthcare across South Essex. Thurrock has suffered from the under provision of GP services for decades now. Six…

Monday, Nov 6


Jackie's Thurrock Gazette Column

As Armistice day and Remembrance Sunday approach, we reflect on how much we owe to those who fought to keep our country free. We should never take for granted the freedoms we enjoy and that so many gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend.

Saturday, Nov 4


Ending the Nuisance of ‘Just Stop Oil’

Residents and motorists across Thurrock endured repeated disruption thanks to the nuisance tactics from the ‘Just Stop Oil’ agitators. They caused misery for many thousands of us who were just going about our daily lives.

Monday, Oct 23


Jackie's Thurrock Gazette Column

Those of us who grew up in the 1980s will recall that the threat of nuclear war was very real. This was the era of the Cold War. Where the USA and the West were pitted against Russia and the Warsaw Pact and peace was maintained by an arms…

Monday, Oct 9

Jackie's Thurrock Gazette Column

Throughout my time as Thurrock’s Member of Parliament, I have constantly lobbied Government to get the best I can for Thurrock. And too often, Thurrock Council has failed to deliver what has been promised. The recent Government inspection…

Monday, Sep 25

Jackie's Thurrock Gazette Column

Last week, we witnessed a furore over the pay award for Thurrock Council’s senior staff and a proposal that the 4% pay rise be withdrawn given the financial difficulties being faced by the Council.

Monday, Sep 11

Jackie's Thurrock Gazette Column

We often hear reference to ‘underfunding’ when discussing public services. It suggests that everything would be rosy if only the stingy old Government would just give out a bit more money. If only life were that simple.

Wednesday, Jul 5

Jackie Doyle-Price MP welcomes Pay As You Go Ticketing rollout to Tilbury Town Station

The Department for Transport has announced that Tilbury Town Station will move to Pay As You Go ticketing by the end of the year as part of a move to roll out this improvement across 200 stations. Passengers will be able to travel as far…

Tuesday, May 9

Recovering Access to Primary Care debate

Our Pharmacies stepped up when we needed them the most. For so many of us they are the front door to the NHS. And with so many people struggling to get GP appointments we should make better use of these medical professionals and reward…

Monday, Feb 20


Sign My Petition to Stop ULEZ Expansion

Heard about the ULEZ? Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, is to extend road charging right up to the Greater London boundary. It will mean many of Thurrock’s motorists will be charged when they drive into London – even if it is just popping into…

Tuesday, Jan 31


NHS Hysteroscopy Treatment

I was pleased to join with Lyn Brown MP to move a debate on hysteroscopy in Westminster Hall.

Monday, Jan 16

Scotland's Gender Recognition Act

The decision in Scotland to allow Gender recognition on the basis of self ID from the age of 16 is bad law.

Thursday, Dec 8


Jackie Doyle-Price joins with London MPs to demand Mayor abandon’s plans to expand charging zone

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan plans to extend road charging to cover the whole of Greater London.

Wednesday, Dec 7


Housing Target Delivery

We desperately need to build more new homes so that everyone who wishes to own their own home can. In Thurrock we have identified sites in Purfleet and at Arena Essex that can deliver upwards of 6000 much needed new homes, but it is…


Jackie Doyle-Price Joins Matt Hancock to Demand Dyslexia Screening

Thurrock MP Jackie Doyle-Price threw her support behind Matt Hancock’s bill to demand dyslexia screening in primary schools.

Tuesday, Dec 6


Statement on Thurrock Borough Council

Thurrock Council has now come clean about the extent of the financial damage caused by the flawed investment strategy

Thursday, Dec 1


Government virtue signalling won’t stop sexual violence against women and girls in the UK

In a debate to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women and girls Thurrock MP Jackie Doyle-Price warned the Government that much more needs to be done to support victims of sexual violence at home.

Tuesday, Nov 22


Jackie Doyle-Price MP: "It is outcomes for patients that matter"

Since 2019 spending on the NHS has grown by 12%. At the same time the number of doctors has risen by 13%. The number of nurses has risen by 11%.

Wednesday, Nov 16


Thurrock MP Jackie Doyle-Price has told new Transport Secretary Mark Harper that the current design for the Lower Thames Crossing is past its sell by date and that the Minister should ‘rip it up and start again’.

Monday, Nov 7


Thurrock Borough Council

As a Thurrock Council taxpayer and resident, I am as angry as anyone at the financial risks taken by Thurrock Council. I am pleased the Government has intervened to call time on this and I look forward to the conclusions of the Best Value…

Tuesday, Oct 25


Rishi Sunak becomes Prime Minister

Readers will know that I backed Liz Truss to become our Prime Minister to follow Boris Johnson. In the last two weeks we have seen that the markets judged the financial measures announced by the Chancellors as being too much too fast.

Monday, Oct 10


Fuel Costs this Winter

You will be aware that the Government is intervening to make sure that no one faces crippling increases in their fuel bills. Here is the detail: Essentially the Government has placed a ceiling on what energy companies can charge their…

Sunday, Sep 25


The Future: A Focus on Growth

It was incredibly moving to see the outpouring of respect towards Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. It was a moment of national unity in remembrance of someone who dedicated her life to dutiful public service. It was both inspiring and…

Wednesday, Sep 21


Affirmation of Allegiance

The oath that is taken in the House of Commons swears allegiance to the Crown. Members are sworn in after a general election, by-election or after the death of the Monarch. Members have the choice to take the oath or make a solemn…

Saturday, Sep 10


Tribute to Her Late Majesty The Queen

It was a day we all knew would one day come but none of us wanted to see. We will never see the like of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II ever again.

Wednesday, Sep 7


Appointment of Liz Truss as Prime Minister

It is with very real pride that I welcome news the Liz is becoming our new Prime Minister.

Monday, Sep 5


Statement from Jackie Doyle-Price MP

As a Conservative, I have always had very real concerns about the ‘borrow to invest’ strategy employed by Thurrock Council. It is against everything I believe in that undue risk is taken with taxpayers' money. I have expressed these…