

Tuesday, Jun 4


Michael Thanks Volunteers

This week is volunteers week - a week to thank volunteers in our community.

Thursday, May 16


Michael sees how British money is Stopping People Smugglers

New technology to combat criminal gangs in Albania and UK

Monday, May 13

Defence Spending Increased - Have Your Say:

The Prime Minister recently announced the biggest strengthening of our national defence in a generation, with a fully funded plan to grow the defence budget to 2.5% of GDP by 2030.

Michael Welcomes Childcare Changes

Supporting Families is one of Michael's key priorities, and childcare is an issue affecting thousands of people across Mid Dorset and North Poole.

Wednesday, May 8

Walking Rugby in Wimborne

Michael was invited to Wimborne RFC to hear about their plans for a new clubhouse and pitches. Michael played rugby at school, but having switched to hockey in his mid-teens, he has not played any rugby for some years. He was really…

Thursday, May 2

May 2024 News

Last month I hosted a group of work experience students in the constituency office. Ten students from six different schools gave up a week of their Easter holiday to gain an insight into the world of local and national politics.

Wednesday, May 1

Michael Visits Wimborne Town FC

Michael visited Wimborne Town FC, and was shown round by their club manager Jimmy Glass. Jimmy updated Michael about the club's plans for their site, and they discussed the recent successes of the team. Michael was then delighted to be…

Monday, Apr 22

Michael agrees Cooperation with Vietnam

Michael met Senior Colonel Vu Van Hung from Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security, and signed a joint statement of cooperation in London on 17 April to reaffirm the countries’ strong partnership. The UK has signed an agreement with Vietnam…

Monday, Apr 15

Michael answers questions about deporting Illegal Migrants

Michael recently answered questions in the House of Commons about returning Illegal Migrants to their Home Country:; Henry Smith (Crawley) (Con) 4. What recent progress his Department has made on returning illegal migrants to their home…

Tuesday, Apr 9


Soroptimists launch Fresh Thoughts

Michael was pleased to attend the launch of the Poole Purbeck Soroptimists new Fresh Thoughts booklet, along with Dorset’s Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick. Fresh Thoughts is an information booklet for front-line workers in…

Saturday, Apr 6


Michael welcomes Special Needs Funding

Over the last few months Michael has been contacted by many local headteachers and parents with concerns about funding for children with special needs. He has discussed this issue with many headteachers, and is pleased by the recent…

Friday, Apr 5


Work Experience week

Michael hosted a group of ten work experience students from six different schools during the Easter recess.

Tuesday, Mar 19


Michael Speaks to Lords Amendments

The Safety of Rwanda Bill returned to Parliament today, and Michael was on duty - opening the debate, and summing it up at the end. You can watch his speech opening the debate here:

Friday, Mar 8


Michael visits Libya

As Minister for Countering Illegal Migration, Michael is working with international partners to tackle the global migration crisis. As part of that work, he recently became the first Home Office Minister in decades to visit Libya.

Thursday, Mar 7


Michael welcomes Budget

Michael has welcomed the Government’s Spring Budget 2024, saying that it backs working people, pensioners, families and businesses across Mid Dorset and North Poole.

Sunday, Mar 3


Michael Speaks to Border Force Officers

In his role of Minister for Countering Illegal Migration, Michael has visited a number of airports and ports to speak to Border Force Officers. He saw for himself the dedication of border staff and Immigration Enforcement Officers, and the…

March 2024 News

As a Minister in the Home Office, my focus has changed slightly from the legal perspective as Solicitor General, to a more overall view of crime and law and order. As a former barrister, I have always had a particular interest in upholding…

Saturday, Mar 2


Meeting with Tunisian Delegation

The Home Secretary has been in America, and gave a speech about the British approach to global migration. International cooperation is a vital part of that work, so Michael recently met the Tunisian Ministry of the Interior.

Friday, Mar 1


Michael Opens Refurbished Post Office

Earlier in February Michael was delighted to open the newly refurbished Post Office in Corfe Mullen.

Tuesday, Feb 27


Royal British Legion Meeting

Michael was delighted to meet with members of the local branches of the Royal British Legion (RBL) earlier this month.

Wednesday, Feb 21


Michael meets local businesses at Conference

Several local business owners attended the British Holiday & Home Parks Association conference in London recently.

Monday, Feb 19


Ministerial Visit to France

Michael went to France, to see first-hand the Franco-British co-operation that is being done to combat smuggling networks and illegal Channel crossings.

Wednesday, Feb 14


Michael sees Law Enforcement at Work

Part of Michael's role is ensuring that only that entitled to work here are doing so. The Government are determined to break the business model of the people smugglers, but rogue employers and landlords threaten to undermine our efforts by…

Wednesday, Feb 7

Michael speaks in Knife Crime Debate

Michael spoke on behalf of the Government in an important debate about knife crime.

Saturday, Feb 3


Michael Attends moving service

Michael was honoured to be asked to participate in the Holocaust Memorial Day service in Wimborne Minster. This is an annual event, commemorating those who were murdered by the nazis during World War 2.

Friday, Feb 2


February 2024 News

If you are a regular reader of my column you will know that I very much enjoy visiting schools, or speaking to pupils when they visit Parliament (perhaps it’s in my genes as my family are all teachers!). There are grants available for…


100th Birthday!

Michael popped in to Magna Care Home to chat to residents and to wish a very happy birthday to Doris who has reached the impressive age of 100 years!

Monday, Jan 29


Michael meets Guide Dogs charity

Many constituents asked Michael to meet the charity Guide Dogs at the Party Conference last October. Michael went to chat to them, and following that discussion, Michael met up with their representatives in Wimborne last week.


Michael Visits Dorset Police Marine Unit

As Minister for Countering Illegal Migration, Michael was invited to see at first hand the work of his local police force in reducing organised crime, and protecting our border.

Saturday, Jan 27

Michael welcomes Investment in local Sports Facilities

Michael Tomlinson has welcomed the news that Mid Dorset and North Poole will benefit from over £9,000 in new funding as a result of the Government’s long-term investment in grassroots sports. As a keen sportsman, Michael knows the…