

Wednesday, May 15


Supporting our Local Pensioners


I am very aware of concerns raised recently on the freezing of tax thresholds. I am, and always will be, a strong proponent of a low tax economy. I have long called for a clear pathway to be laid out towards lower taxation and lower…

Tuesday, May 7

Radcot Bridge

I have been calling for Oxfordshire County Council to carry out the much-needed repairs to Radcot Bridge since late last year. I know that many residents remain frustrated at the delays and want to see this local landmark repaired as soon…

Friday, May 3

Let's get Burford Bridge fixed

The iconic Burford Bridge has been damaged since June 2022 - yet Oxfordshire County Council continues to drag their heels with its repairs.

Monday, Apr 29

A40 Update


West Oxfordshire’s residents have for too long suffered on a daily basis with persistent congestion along the A40.

Friday, Apr 26

Witney and West Oxfordshire MP welcomes the Government’s commitment to increase spending on defence by £75bn following his hard-fought campaign alongside Conservative MPs


Witney and West Oxfordshire MP, Robert Courts has praised the Government for its decision to commit 2.5% of GDP to spending on defence.

Tuesday, Apr 16


Tobacco and Vapes Bill


In the House of Commons today MPs are voting on the Tobacco and Vapes Bill.

Tuesday, Apr 9


£11 million in fine from Water Companies reinvested to improve our waterways

Great to hear news from the Government today that under ‘Our Plan for Water’ up to £11 million in fines collected from those water companies that have breached their strict permits will be directly reinvested into schemes to improve our…

Wednesday, Mar 27


Witney MP speaks out against the Council's decision to cut essential SEND services


West Oxfordshire’s parents have shared their deep frustrations over our Liberal-led Coalition at County Hall’s decision to cut funding for essential SEND services.

Thursday, Mar 21

Robert raises his constituents’ concerns over Oxfordshire County Council’s decision to stall progress on essential improvements to the A40


In 2021, after Robert’s hard-fought campaign, including debates in the House of Commons and a visit from the then Secretary of State for Transport to the A40, Robert was delighted to have secured £35 million in funding from the Department…

Tuesday, Mar 5

Our Plan for Carterton & West Oxfordshire

Help local people get things done by filling in the short survey below.


After Robert's campaign, Oxfordshire has been granted an extra £2.6m this year in the biggest-ever road re-surfacing programme, following the success of his campaign that secured £102m for A40 upgrades in 2019. But on both, we need…

Wednesday, Feb 14

Joint Response to Botley West Solar Farm Consultation


Thank you to all those who have contacted me in recent months to share their concerns about the statutory consultation process on 'Botley West Solar Farm'.

Veterans ID Card


Veterans can now apply for the new HM Armed Forces Veteran ID Card.

Friday, Jan 19

Letter to Thames Water's Director


As part of my local campaign to hold Thames Water’s feet to the fire, I recently wrote to the Director of Thames Water, Alistair Cochran.

Friday, Jan 5

Flood in Clanfield

Today, I was out with Cllr Ted Fenton in Clanfield, an area which has been hugely impacted by flooding over the past few days.

Robert welcomes tougher penalties on water companies and monitoring of storm overflows up to 100%

Robert has recently welcomed the announcements from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, that this Government is delivering on two key commitments under ‘Our Plan for Water’.

Wednesday, Dec 20

Success for the Buy British Campaign


Excellent progress made for the ‘Buy British’ campaign I have been supporting as Morrisons have now launched a ‘British’ section online and Aldi and have launched a ‘Best of British Tab’ for click-and-collect orders.

Tuesday, Dec 19

The NFU Launch their 2024 Manifesto in Parliament


Pleased to attend a recent event hosted by the National Farmers Union (NFU) in Parliament, where they launched their new manifesto ahead of the next general election.

Friday, Dec 15

Visit to Local Farming Product Business Ambic Equipment Limited


Excellent visit to Ambic Equipment Limited, a world-leading specialist in the development and production of dairy & livestock health management products sold all over the world.

Thursday, Nov 30

Event hosted with the RPA for Farmers and Rural Businesses across West Oxfordshire


Great to host a roundtable event with the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) for farmers and rural businesses across the constituency, in Warwick Hall Burford recently.

Friday, Nov 24

Blenheim Farming Conference


I was very pleased to participate in the recent Blenheim Farming Conference where we discussed rural crime prevention, business planning, and mental health.

Robert calls for openness following the release of Oxfordshire County Council’s feasibility study for a rail link between Oxford, Witney and Carterton


OCC’s feasibility study has now shown that the construction costs of building the rail line alone - before land purchasing is considered - are estimated to be between £700-£900 million with OCC stating it would depend on other rail…

Thursday, Sep 28


Sports Pavilion and Local Centre Update for Windrush Place


I am delighted to have received news that West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) have finally approved the developers’ plans for the sports pavilion.

Thursday, Sep 21


Meeting with WODC's Planning Team regarding Windrush Place


Thank you to all those who participated in Cllr Ashby & my online survey. Your responses and that of others is incredibly helpful in allowing me to represent the strength of feeling around this matter to WODC as well as the developers.

Sunday, Jul 23

Witney Town Centre Survey


Tell me your priorities for Witney town centre — and together let’s get things done.

Friday, Jun 30


Petition on Botley West Solar Farm


You will, I am sure, have heard a great deal about proposals for a “Botley West Solar Farm” which would, if approved, impact significantly upon Tackley, Wootton, Glympton, Bladon, Woodstock, Long Hanborough, Church Hanborough, Rousham,…

Friday, May 26


Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme Visit


I spent some time recently with the Defence Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Munitions and Search Training Regiment at St George’s Barracks, Bicester, learning - very much the basics - of searching for explosives in water and on land, and how…

Monday, May 22


Witney and West Oxfordshire MP speaks out during Prime Minister’s Questions Highlighting the Challenges Facing Farmers in Oxfordshire


Witney and West Oxfordshire MP, Robert Courts was pleased to make his contribution during Prime Minister’s Questions last week (10.05.23), highlighting the challenges confronting farming businesses specifically in Oxfordshire as the…

Thursday, May 18


Witney and West Oxfordshire MP Welcomes Announcement to Extend the £2 Bus Fare Cap


Witney and West Oxfordshire MP, Robert Courts has welcomed the Government’ s recent announcement to extend the £2 bus fare cap.

Wednesday, Apr 26


Conservatives Vote in Favour of Legislation to Protect our Waterways


You might have seen something on social media about today’s (25.04.23) vote on sewage, so in case you were wondering, here’s a quick explainer on what it’s all about.