

Tuesday, Jul 16


Codex Planetarius and the 1% Solution: Minimizing and Addressing the Climate Impacts of Food Production and Trade


Moderator: Peter Umunay; GEF Secretariat; Opening remarks: Mohamed Bakarr; Manager, Integration and KM&L Division, GEF Secretariat; Presentation: Jason Clay; Senior Vice President, Markets, and Executive Director, Markets Institute @ WWF;…

Thursday, Jul 11


"Estamos subsidiando nuestro propio fin, invertimos más recursos en destruir ecosistemas que en protegerlos": presidente del GEF


"Estamos subsidiando nuestro propio fin, invertimos más recursos en destruir ecosistemas que en protegerlos": presidente del GEF

Wednesday, Jul 10


Internship for Knowledge Management and Learning


July 10, 2024; Downloads; Document; Internship ToR


Internship to build the GEF-9 STAR Allocation System


July 10, 2024; Downloads; Document; Internship ToR

Tuesday, Jul 9


Internship on Nature Finance


July 9, 2024; Downloads; Document; Internship on Nature Finance - Description

Monday, Jul 8


Inclusive GEF Assembly Challenge Programme in Developing Countries


To empower and support civil society organisations (CSOs) and community-based organisations (CBOs) in developing countries to implement high-impact and innovative initiatives that deliver climate change adaptation and environmental…

Tuesday, Jul 2

Fourth Call for Proposals: GEF-8 Blended Finance Global Program


July 2, 2024; Downloads; Document; English

Thursday, Jun 27


The GEF approves first funding related to BBNJ Agreement


The Global Environment Facility has approved the first funding related to the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Agreement, an important milestone for ensuring the health and resilience of more than two-thirds of the world’s…

Friday, Jun 21


Belize Blue Cities and Beyond Program


To improve Belize's management capacity for sustainable coastal and blue economy development, increase safe water supply and reduce land-based pollution discharges at targeted urban areas, and respond effectively in case of an eligible…

The Greater Nokoue Greening Program (GNGP)


Project Details; GEF Project ID; Country; Implementing Agencies; West African Development Bank; Status; Concept Approved; Region; Africa; Executing Agencies; Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development

Climate Smart Sustainable Cities


Project Details; GEF Project ID; Country; Sri Lanka; Implementing Agencies; United Nations Environment Programme; Status; Concept Approved; Region; Executing Agencies; Ministry of Environment; GEF Period; GEF - 8; Project Type; Full-size…

A Sustainable, Green, Blue, and Digital Havana


Project Details; GEF Project ID; Country; Implementing Agencies; United Nations Development Programme; Status; Concept Approved; Region; Small Islands Developing States; Executing Agencies; Government of the Havana Province; GEF Period;…

Integrated governance and urban transformation for a sustainable “Grand Libreville”


Ministry of Waters and Forests, the Sea, the Environment, responsible for the Climate Plan and the Land Use Plan

Towards resilient cities in Guatemala: addressing biodiversity loss and recovery through integrated urban planning and development


Project Details; GEF Project ID; Country; Guatemala; Implementing Agencies; International Union for Conservation of Nature


Thursday, Jun 20


Conselho do GEF aprova mais de US$700 milhões para grandes demandas ambientais


O órgão regente do Fundo Global para o Meio Ambiente aprovou mais de US$700 milhões para projetos de proteção e renovação da natureza, incluindo apoio à Grande Muralha Verde e investimento em iniciativas em larga escala para cidades…


Le Conseil du GEF approuve une enveloppe de plus de 700 millions de dollars pour répondre à l'ampleur des besoins environnementaux


L'organe directeur du Fonds pour l'environnement mondial (GEF) a approuvé une enveloppe de plus de 700 millions de dollars destinés à des projets de protection et de revitalisation de la nature qui viendront notamment financer la Grande…

El Consejo del GEF aprueba $700M+ para diversas necesidades ambientales


El órgano rector del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (GEF) ha aprobado más de $700 millones para proyectos de protección y renovación de la naturaleza, que incluyen apoyo para la Gran Muralla Verde e inversiones en iniciativas de gran…

Joint Summary of the Co-Chairs


June 20, 2024; Document Number; GEF/GBFF.02/Jointsummary; Council Document Type; Summary; Downloads; Document; English; Related Council Meeting; 2nd GBFF Council Meeting; Council Document Author; GEF Secretariat

Joint Summary of the Co-Chairs


June 20, 2024; Document Number; GEF/C.67/JointSummary; Council Document Type; Summary; Downloads; Document; English; Related Council Meeting; 67th GEF Council Meeting; Council Document Author; GEF Secretariat


Joint Summary of the Co-Chairs


June 20, 2024; Document Number; GEF/LDCF.SCCF.36/JointSummary; Council Document Type; Summary; Downloads; Document; English; Related Council Meeting; 36th LDCF/SCCF Council Meeting; Council Document Author; GEF Secretariat


GEF Council approves $700M+ for vast environmental needs


The Global Environment Facility’s governing body has approved more than $700 million for nature protection and renewal projects, including support for the Great Green Wall and investment in large-scale initiatives for sustainable cities,…

Wednesday, Jun 19



Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (GEF) reelige a Carlos Manuel Rodríguez como su director ejecutivo


Carlos Manuel Rodríguez fue elegido para un segundo mandato como director ejecutivo y presidente del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial o GEF, por sus siglas en inglés. Rodríguez fue seleccionado para un segundo cuatrienio - hasta el…


Carlos Manuel Rodríguez reappointed as CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility


Carlos Manuel Rodríguez was reappointed today as CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). He was elected for a second four-year term through 2028 by 32 Council members representing the GEF’s 186 member countries.

Tuesday, Jun 18


Transforming our cities: a collective path to sustainability


Transforming our cities: a collective path to sustainability

Monday, Jun 17



Logistics Note


June 16, 2024; Council Document Type; Related Documents; Downloads; Document; Logistics Note; Related Council Meeting; 67th GEF Council Meeting; Council Document Author; GEF Secretariat

Saturday, Jun 15


Enabling Activities to Support the ratification and early implementation of the Agreement under the United Nations Convention


The objective of this Enabling Activity (EA) grant is to support countries in: (a) assessing the extent to which their current legal, policy and institutional framework allows for promptly becoming parties to the Agreement under the United…