Google debuted Willow, its latest quantum chip, on Wednesday, and if you’ve spent any time online since, you’ve undoubtedly run into some breathless reporting about it. Willow “crushes classical computers on a cosmic timescale,” proclaims…
Earlier this year Walmart launched its first “Pro” streaming box with Google TV, bringing better specs and features, but all for a still-very-low price. Now, the Walmart Onn 4K Pro with Google TV is seeing its first real discount, with the…
Mint Mobile's new customer offer is one of the season's jolliest mobile deals. Get a Google Pixel 9 smartphone and unlimited talk, text, and data for one year, all for under $500.
By Reuters Google on Monday said that it has overcome a key challenge in quantum computing with a new generation of chip, solving a computing problem in five minutes that would take a classical computer more time than the history of the…
Google CEO Sundar Pichai wants to use SpaceX's Starship for quantum computing clusters in space. The executive shared his idea in a social media conversation with Elon Musk, who concurred and replied that it was likely in the future. Musk…
Quantum error correction that suppresses errors below a critical threshold needed for achieving future practical quantum computing applications is demonstrated on the newest generation quantum chips from Google Quantum AI, reports a paper…