
abortion-rights / English

Stories published on Jun 16
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  • Stories published on Jun 16

Sunday, Jun 16


The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights


They fight proposed ballot initiatives intended to protect reproductive rights.


The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights

Anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using a range of strategies to counter proposed ballot initiatives that are intended to protect reproductive rights or prevent voters from having a say in the fall.…

Abortion activists capitalize on Kristi Noem dog controversy with bumper stickers


Abortion rights activists sell “Where’s Cricket?” bumper stickers during the Sioux Falls Pride Parade on June 8, 2024


The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights


CHICAGO — Reeling from a string of defeats, anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using an array of strategies to counter proposed ballot initiatives intended to protect reproductive rights or prevent…


The Anti-Abortion Movement Is Making A Big Play To Thwart Citizen Initiatives On Reproductive Rights


By CHRISTINE FERNADO Associated Press CHICAGO (AP) — Reeling from a string of defeats, anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using an array of strategies to counter proposed ballot initiatives intended…

The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights


Reeling from a string of defeats, anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using an array of strategies to counter proposed ballot initiatives intended to protect reproductive rights or prevent voters from…

The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights


CHICAGO (AP) — Reeling from a string of defeats, anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using…

The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights


By CHRISTINE FERNANDO Associated Press CHICAGO (AP) — Reeling from a string of defeats, anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using an array of strategies to counter proposed ballot initiatives intended…

The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights


Anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using a range of strategies to counter proposed ballot initiatives that are intended to protect reproductive rights or prevent voters from having a say in the fall.

The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights


Anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using a range of strategies to counter proposed ballot initiatives that are intended to protect reproductive rights or prevent voters from having a say in the fall.

The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights


Anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using a range of strategies to counter proposed ballot initiatives that are intended to protect reproductive rights or prevent voters from having a say in the fall.

The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights


Anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using a range of strategies to counter proposed ballot initiatives that are intended to protect reproductive rights or prevent voters from having a say in the fall.

The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights


Anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using a range of strategies to counter proposed ballot initiatives that are intended to protect reproductive rights or prevent voters from having a say in the fall.

Biden campaign plans robust push centered on reproductive rights ahead of Dobbs decision anniversary


The Biden campaign plans to mark the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that guaranteed the federal right to abortion by barnstorming the country with messaging and events…

Saturday, Jun 15


Missouri abortion ban wasn't about lawmakers imposing religious beliefs, judge says


A judge in Missouri says lawmakers who passed a restrictive abortion ban weren't trying to impose their religious beliefs on everyone in the state, rejecting a case filed by more than a dozen Christian, Jewish and Unitarian Universalist…


Trump’s MAGA Veepstakes: Ben Carson Matches Trump’s Far-Right MAGA Extremism


As Trump VP contender Ben Carson speaks at the Turning Point Action conference in Michigan, DNC Spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement: “Ben Carson has repeatedly matched Donald Trump’s own unpopular and reckless MAGA…


Giorgia Meloni Resists Attempt to Declare ‘Right’ to Abortion at G7 Summit


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni successfully resisted attempts by French President Emmanuel Macron and other leaders at this week's G7 summit to declare abortion a “right.”

Italy’s Meloni denies G7 spat over abortion


BARI, Italy, June 15 — Italian far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, host of the G7 summit, today denied there had be...

Friday, Jun 14


The Next Big Challenges for Medication Abortion


(MedPage Today) -- In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to preserve access to mifepristone (Mifeprex) on Thursday, abortion-rights groups worry the threat has not passed while anti-abortion groups agree they're not done fighting…