
black-holes / English

Stories published on May 24
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  • Stories published on May 24

Friday, May 24


Are stars vanishing into their own black holes? A bizarre binary system says 'yes'


An unusual binary system could be evidence that some massive stars can die quietly, without a supernova explosion.


Black hole spin speed revealed in new study of churning space-time


Scientists have calculated the speed of a spinning supermassive black hole by studying the 'spaghettified' remains of a star it destroyed.

Death Star Black Holes Are Like Fictional Space Stations in 'Star Wars'


Supermassive black holes were seen releasing jets in opposing directions. Continue reading to learn more.

Thursday, May 23


Using wobbling stellar material, astronomers measure the spin of a supermassive black hole for the first time


The results offer a new way to probe supermassive black holes and their evolution across the universe.


Death Star Black Holes 'Swiveling Around and Pointing at New Targets'—NASA


This change "is analogous to changing the direction of a new battleship in a few minutes," researcher Gerrit Schellenberger said.


'Death Star' black holes caught blasting powerful beams at multiple targets: Watch out Alderaan! (video)


Supermassive black holes that are blasting out beams of high-energy particles killing star formation in their galaxies are shifting targets like real-life Death Stars.


NASA Chandra X-ray Telescope Spots 16 Supermassive Black Holes Firing Powerful Beams


NASA's Chandra X-ray Telescope and other telescopes have detected the presence of 16 supermassive black holes emitting powerful beams.


Black Holes Redirect Powerful Beams Across Space


Astronomers have discovered that huge black holes are redirecting powerful beams of particles into space. This discovery, made using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the National Radio Astronomical Observatory's (NRAO) Very Long…

Astronomers measure the spin of a supermassive black hole for the first time


Astronomers at MIT, NASA, and elsewhere have a new way to measure how fast a black hole spins, by using the wobbly aftermath from its stellar feasting.

Wednesday, May 22


Using wobbling stellar material, astronomers measure the spin of a supermassive black hole for the first time


Astronomers have a new way to measure how fast a black hole spins, by using the wobbly aftermath from its stellar feasting. The results offer a new way to probe supermassive black holes and their evolution across the universe.


Astronomers observe jet reorientation in 'Death Star' black holes


Huge black holes are firing powerful beams of particles into space—and then changing their aim to fire at new targets. This discovery, made using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) National…


Scientists find weird link between a solar mystery and feeding black holes


The solar dynamo that drives sunspots and solar flares could be located near the surface of the sun scientists find, solving a 400-year-old solar mystery and providing a weird link to black holes.

Mind-Bending! Astronomers Capture Just How Fast A Supermassive Black Hole Spins


A new study offers a fascinating new method to measure the spin speed of a black hole. This ability could help astronomers flesh out how our universe came to look as it does today.

Groundbreaking Measurement Reveals a Black Hole Spinning at a Quarter the Speed of Light


A team of astronomers has managed to calculate the speed of a distant supermassive black hole’s spin thanks to the object’s chance meeting with a star—which it promptly destroyed.