
conservatives / English

Stories published on Jun 11
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  • Stories published on Jun 11

Tuesday, Jun 11


JASON GROVES: No one will say it out loud, but maybe this was a manifesto to stem the Conservative losses


JASON GROVES: Plenty of previous administrations have run out of ideas. That cannot be said of Rishi Sunak . The 80-page Tory manifesto published yesterday is packed with eye-catching initiatives.

Judge sets hearing over alleged leak of Nashville school shooter info to conservative outlet


A Tennessee judge has ordered a conservative media organization to appear in court over publishing details from allegedly leaked documents about a 2023 Nashville school shooting, while the outlet sues for the same kind of records to be…

Judge sets hearing over alleged leak of Nashville school shooter info to conservative outlet


A Tennessee judge considering a conservative outlet's public records case about a Nashville elementary school shooter has ordered the organization to appear in court after it published stories on similar documents allegedly leaked to them

Reform are closing gap on Tories as Farage returns to the fray - with new poll revealing Conservative voters 'like a lot' of what he stands for


In worrying news for Rishi Sunak , Reform UK is narrowing the gap with the Conservatives , which has fallen from 23 per cent of the vote share last week to 21 per cent.


A quick take on the Conservative manifesto


BBC Verify's Ben Chu takes a look at the proposed National Insurance cuts and welfare savings in the Conservatives' manifesto.

Biden Puts Conservatives on Notice: “If They Wanna Think to Take on Government if We Get Out of Line … Guess What? They Need F-15s! They Don’t Need a Rifle!” (VIDEO)

Joe Biden delivered a speech at Everytown’s Gun Sense University at the Washington Hilton after his son Hunter was found guilty of three federal gun felonies.

Secret recording puts spotlight on Alito's strong conservative views on religious issues


WASHINGTON — A month ago, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito delivered a commencement speech at a Catholic college in Ohio in which he returned to a familiar theme of his: that conservative Christians are under attack from liberals in a…


Conservative-led Project 2025 aims to roll back Civil Rights, tear down Dept. of Education and much more


Project 2025 isn't specifically intended for Trump, but its the conservatives plan.

Capital gains tax: Conservatives say they will oppose changes ahead of vote


The Conservatives have not previously stated their position on the government's plan to increase capital gains taxes to help pay for investments in health care and housing.

Conservative manifesto: Rishi Sunak's gamble on tax cuts 'problematic', think tank says


The Institute for Fiscal Studies says the Tories are ruling out council tax and capital gains tax changes when ‘frankly there needs to reform’

Electioncast: The Conservative Manifesto


Tories pledge to cut National Insurance further


Ron Paul: Anti-liberty conservatives want more theft


Government deficits are a symptom of the abandonment of the moral truths of individual rights and limited government for the immoral lies of the welfare-warfare state and the fiat money system that underlies it.

French conservatives move toward far-right alliance


The leader of France's Republicans party has said he would be open to an alliance with Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally in snap French elections. Such an alliance would break a decades-old tabu.


UK prime minister unveils Conservative Party manifesto ahead of general election


The manifesto launch comes shortly after PM Rishi Sunak was forced to deny rumours he might resign before polling day.

Can the Conservative Party manifesto revive Sunak's campaign?


Rishi Sunak has launched the Conservatives' election manifesto, promising to slash taxes in a bid to revive the party's floundering campaign.

The Guardian view on the Conservative manifesto: an exercise in fiscal fantasy and denial | Editorial


Rishi Sunak’s insistent repetition of the word ‘plan’ doesn’t compensate for an absence of serious engagement with the challenges Britain faces

Why spending time and money creating TikToks probably won’t pay off for Labour and Conservatives


It is impossible for politicians to use TikTok for necessary, nuanced discussion around important policy proposals.


IFS warns Conservative manifesto lacks NHS ‘overall spending plan’


The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has published a detailed response to the Conservative Party’s manifesto.

IFS warns Conservative manifesto lacks NHS ‘overall spending plan’


The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has published a detailed response to the Conservative Party’s manifesto.