
eruption / English

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Friday, Jun 21


Man (52) jailed for two years for role in ‘eruption of violence’ at Galway funeral


Up to 30 gardaí had to attend scene after fights broke out between members of McDonagh and Ward families

Thursday, Jun 20


A beach buried by the Mount Vesuvius eruption 2,000 years ago just reopened


The Herculaneum archaeological park in Ercolano also contains the remains of 330 people who died fleeing the volcano, which engulfed the ancient city and Pompeii.


Ancient Roman beach buried by Mount Vesuvius eruption reopens to public


More than 300 people tried to shelter themselves at the site 2,000 years ago in hope of evacuation


Wednesday, Jun 19


Is Mount St. Helens about to blow? Washington volcano recharging 44 years after eruption


Is it getting ready to rock? Mount Saint Helens in Washington, which notoriously and cataclysmically erupted in 1980 and had its ash reach Montana, has been showing major signs of constant activity recently, according to the US Geological…


Is Mt St Helens about to blow? America's most dangerous volcano is recharging - 43 years after catastrophic eruption that was the worst in US history


Since February 1, 2024, approximately 350 earthquakes have been recorded at the 8,300-foot Washington state volcano by the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network.

Beach buried by eruption of Mount Vesuvius reopens to public after restoration


‘Extraordinary and unique’ ancient beach that was destroyed in AD79 disaster reinstated in southern Italy

Tuesday, Jun 18


Eerie footage from surface of Mars shows ‘solar storm’ striking red planet after powerful ‘X-class’ flare eruption


THE same huge sunspot that caused the most spectacular display of solar energy in decades on Earth has triggered another record-breaking storm on Mars.

Friday, Jun 14


Light Eruption From a Dead Star Dubbed Nova Event, Potentially Observable This Summer


NASA says that a cosmic event concerning an eruption of light from a dead star can potentially be observed this summer.


Video analysis of Iceland 2010 eruption could improve volcanic ash forecasts for aviation safety


Video footage of Iceland's 2010 Eyjafjallaj kull eruption is providing researchers with rare, up-close observations of volcanic ash clouds -- information that could help better forecast how far explosive eruptions disperse their hazardous…

Thursday, Jun 13


Study shows video analysis of Iceland 2010 eruption could improve volcanic ash forecasts for aviation safety


Video footage of Iceland's 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption is providing researchers from the University of Cambridge with rare, up-close observations of volcanic ash clouds—information that could help better forecast how far explosive…

Wednesday, Jun 12


How Michael Crichton’s Widow Sherri Ushered in a Renaissance of His Work With New Book ‘Eruption’


Sherri Crichton was on a mission. She was poring over filing cabinets, old computers and scattered notes when she finally found it: a manuscript from her late husband, “Jurassic Park” and “Congo” writer Michael Crichton. Each thread led…


Atmospheric sulfur dioxide levels hit historic high in Scotland following Icelandic volcanic eruption


Edinburgh, no stranger to an occasional haze, experienced an unprecedented atmospheric event on 31 May, unlike any seen over the past 30 years. While sea haar from the North Sea often blankets Scotland's capital, the haze observed that…


NASA’s Curiosity Rover Captured The Eerie Aftermath of A Solar Eruption Blasting Mars


These NASA videos from the Martian ground and orbit captured the powerful aftermath of a solar eruption.


Archaeologists find records of Pompeii’s survivors, proving many survived Mount Vesuvius eruption


(NaturalNews) Archaeologists have found records indicating that many people from Pompeii survived the cataclysmic eruption of Mount Vesuvius.On August 24 in 79...

Tuesday, Jun 11


Discoveries Shed Light on How Pompeii Survivors Resumed Life After the Volcanic Eruption


On August 24 in 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted, shooting over three cubic miles of debris up to 20 miles (32.1 kilometers) in the air. As the ash and rock fell to Earth, it buried the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. According to…

Monday, Jun 10


Evidence of more than 200 survivors of Mount Vesuvius eruption discovered in ancient Roman records


After Mount Vesuvius erupted, survivors from the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum fled, starting new lives elsewhere.

Joe Biden's 2022 Vow to Use Constitution to Block Trump Sparked Eruption of Lawfare Linked to White House


President Joe Biden vowed in November 2022 to pursue measures beyond the ballot box to prevent former President Donald Trump's reelection. That sensational pledge preceded an eruption of extraordinary legal assaults on Trump, with one…


Archaeologists find the ‘lost’ survivors of Pompeii who made it through horror 18-hour volcanic eruption 2,000 years ago

ARCHAEOLOGISTS believe they have discovered the “lost” survivors of Pompeii who made it through the horror 18-hour volcanic eruption 2,000 years ago.

Archaeologists find the ‘lost’ survivors of Pompeii who made it through horror 18-hour volcanic eruption 2,000 years ago


ARCHAEOLOGISTS believe they have discovered the “lost” survivors of Pompeii who made it through the horror 18-hour volcanic eruption 2,000 years ago.