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Stories published on May 22
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  • Stories published on May 22

Wednesday, May 22


EU AI Act: EU approves world’s first AI Bill – to set risk levels


The European Union has taken a groundbreaking step in the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) by approving the AI Act. The EU AI Act is ...

Main candidates for EU elections to answer public questions on live debate


In a live debate organised by the EBU and broadcast on Euronews, the five candidates will tackle issues such as climate, migration, and security.


Von der Leyen's EU reelection campaign: A balancing act


Ursula von der Leyen wants to secure a second term as president of the European Commission. In her campaign, she has to balance what she deems important with the interests of the parties supporting her.


Minsk expects EU to eventually realize that dialogue has no alternatives — MFA


Earlier, Latvia banned imports of certain food items from Belarus, and Lithuania followed suit imposing a year-long ban on imports of agricultural products and fodder from Belarus


Arab, EU ministers to meet, discuss how to end Gaza war


Ministers from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates will attend a regular European Union meeting in an attempt to work toward ending the war in Gaza.


Can EU citizens vote in the UK general election?


Who can vote at the upcoming general election and what are the rights of EU citizens?

Preparing for DORA: EU Offering ‘Dry-Run’ Voluntary Reporting Exercise


Beginning January 17, 2025, the European Union’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) will require financial entities to maintain and submit to EU regulators a comprehensive register of their contractual arrangements with third-party…

EU new car sales jump 13.7% in April, nearly half of them electrified


Continue reading EU new car sales jump 13.7% in April, nearly half of them electrified


Mozambique: EU Calls for 'Good Conduct' in Mozambican Elections


Maputo -- The European Union has called for "good electoral conduct' by all those involved in the Mozambican general elections scheduled for 9 October.

New EU Entry/Exit System for Eurostar Passengers


Eurostar passengers will be fingerprinted twice as part of a complicated new check-in system that authorities say will boost security. The upcoming implementation of the European Union’s Entry/Exit System (EES), will affect Eurostar travel…

Georgia rejects threat of suspending visa-free regime with EU over foreign agents law


Kakha Kaladze emphasized that Georgia is ready for friendship, cooperation and partnership, for healthy relations

EU AI Act Is Now Adopted


On May 21, 2024, the Council of the European Union (the Council) formally signed off on the latest draft of the European Union’s (EU) Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) (see the press release here). This marks the final seal of approval…

EU Commissioner Makes Online Censorship Key Campaign Pledge


The president of the European Commission is openly advertising her commitment to censoring speech as part of her re-election campaign, touting a “European Democracy Shield.”


EU agrees to use frozen Russian assets for Ukraine’s defence


Brussels: The Council of the European Union (EU) announced on Tuesday that ministers from EU member states have agreed to use proceeds from frozen assets of the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) to support Ukraine’s military efforts, reports…

Russia poses no threat to France, EU — MEP


Thierry Mariani said that he does not believe in "the Russian nuclear threat"

Eurostar passengers will need to use electronic kiosks due to EU border rules


The cross-Channel train operator said passengers will need to use the kiosks at St Pancras station to register their passport, facial image and fingerprints, and answer four questions about their trip


Eurostar passengers will need to use new kiosks due to EU border rules


The cross-Channel train operator said passengers must use the machines when the EU’s Entry/Exit System is introduced.

Eurostar passengers will need to use new kiosks due to EU border rules


The cross-Channel train operator said passengers must use the machines when the EU’s Entry/Exit System is introduced.