
hamas / English

Stories published on May 9
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  • Stories published on May 9

Thursday, May 9


Hamas Goes to the United Nations


The General Assembly may grant Palestinians member status, doing an end run around the Security Council.

Universities which fail to act on students glorifying Hamas, or voicing anti-Jewish racism, must face crippling fines


WHO would have imagined so many of history’s wokest, most educated and supposedly most empathetic generation would out themselves as sickening racists?

Universities which fail to act on students glorifying Hamas, or voicing anti-Jewish racism, must face crippling fines


WHO would have imagined so many of history’s wokest, most educated and supposedly most empathetic generation would out themselves as sickening racists?


Hostage Talks Between Israel and Hamas Stall


“High-level hostage negotiations in Cairo were put on hold Thursday, according to officials briefed on the negotiations and Egyptian state media, with one official saying that anger had flared among


Israel ‘Smashing Into Rafah’ Will Not Eradicate Hamas, Biden Aide Says


The president has grown increasingly wary of a major assault in the densely populated city in southern Gaza.

Biden Administration: Attacking Hamas in Rafah Would Strengthen Them


The Biden administration tried to argue Thursday that if Israel launched an ambitious attack on Hamas in Rafah, that would strengthen Hamas, improve Hamas's leverage in hostage negotiations, and build popular support for Hamas.


Biden Just Betrayed Israel—and Rewarded Hamas. It's Time to Bring Trump Back to the White House | Opinion


What possible calculation could move an American President to choose Hamas terrorists and their Iranian masters over our key ally and vital security partner?

Biden's threat to withhold weapons from Israel shows he 'favors a Hamas victory,' Republicans argue


Republican Senators are ripping President Biden over his vow to withhold weapons from Israel if it follows through with its invasion of Rafah in the Gaza Strip.


Hostage deal talks with Israel, Hamas put on hold over Rafah operation: report


Negotiations for a hostage exchange deal between Israel and Hamas have been put on hold as the fighting in Rafah continues, officials said.

House GOP Bill Proposes Sending Anti-Israel, Pro-Hamas College Rioters to Gaza for Community Service


A bill proposed by House Republicans seeks to send individuals convicted of illegal activities at anti-Israel college protests to Gaza for a minimum six-month community service sentence, asserting that “pro-Hamas” campus activists “should…


Israel's Rafah Operation May Not Weaken Hamas


An Israeli operation in the southern Gazan city is raising diplomatic and humanitarian concerns.

Rick Scott: Biden now part of 'pro-Hamas group' of Democratic Party


Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) ripped into President Biden, calling him part of the "pro-Hamas group" of the Democratic Party, after he threatened to withhold weapons from Israel if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proceeds with a full-scale…


Trump accuses Biden of siding with Hamas


"Crooked Joe is taking the side of these terrorists, just like he has sided with the Radical Mobs taking over our college campuses..."

The Israel-Hamas War—Seven Months On | Opinion


Diplomatic prospects look bleak.

Stuart Varney: Biden is protecting Hamas and punishing Israel


FOX Business' Stuart Varney discussed President Biden's threat not to supply Israel with the weapons and ammunition it needs to finish off Hamas in Gaza.

Fury in Israel at US arms delay as minister claims ‘Hamas loves Biden’


Suspension of military aid could be 'preview' of White House response to upcoming report on Gaza war crimes, says ex-US official

Many Israelis feel 'betrayed' following Biden threat to withhold arms to defeat Hamas in Rafah


Amid Israel’s plan to clear the main remaining vestiges of Hamas, the Biden administration is being accused of handcuffing the Jewish state with the threat of a weapons embargo.


Macklemore Performs Pro-Hamas, Anti-Biden Song at New Zealand Concert


Grammy-winning rapper Macklemore has expressed solidarity with anti-Israel protesters and condemned Israel’s military campaign against Hamas terrorists, choosing a sellout crowd in New Zealand’s capital, Wellington, to deliver his pro…