
keir-starmer / English

Stories published on Jun 14
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  • Stories published on Jun 14

Friday, Jun 14


I am not hostile to private healthcare users, Keir Starmer insists


Sir Keir Starmer has insisted he is “not hostile” to private health care users, despite saying he would not pay for treatment for himself or for a relative in need of life-saving care.

Panorama viewers predict 'kiss of death' for Keir Starmer as they 'expose' his policies


Panorama viewers tonight declared that Labour leader Keir Starmer had "no ideology" and no clear policies, as they slammed his latest interview.


Keir Starmer says he is prepared to ‘make enemies’ to grow economy


Sir Keir Starmer has said he is prepared to “make enemies” to grow the economy.

Keir Starmer says he is prepared to make enemies to improve economy


Limited election pledges a ‘downpayment’ for future investment, says Labour leader

Keir Starmer's response after he's shown lookalike picture of Tony Blair in BBC grilling


Keir Starmer was shown a lookalike picture of Tony Blair by the BBC's Nick Robinson - and pointed out one crucial difference between him and the former Prime Minister

Keir Starmer denies he is hostile to those who use private healthcare


Labour leader also said he was prepared to make enemies by reforming the planning system

Keir Starmer opens door to new EU Brexit talks as he blasts Boris Johnson's 'botched' deal


Sir Keir Starmer was grilled by the BBC in an interview ahead of the general election on July 4.


Keir Starmer says he's prepared to make enemies in BBC Panorama grilling


Labour leader Keir Starmer told BBC Panorama he's ready to make 'tough' choices to boost the economy after official figures showed the economy recorded no growth in April

Keir Starmer asked whether he'd do a 'Love Actually moment' as Prime Minister


Keir Starmer was asked by the BBC's Nick Robinson whether he would deliver a 'Love Actually moment' like Hugh Grant's Prime Minister character in the 2003 smash hit romcom

Keir Starmer says UK will 'not go back to austerity' under Labour in BBC interview


Labour leader pledges cash injection into hospitals and schools

Keir Starmer says he is prepared to make 'enemies' and make it easier to build wind farms to boost the economy if he becomes


In a BBC Panorama interview broadcast this evening he said he would be 'tough' because 'we're going to have to change the way things are done,' if he becomes prime minister on July 4.

Starmer confirms he's prepared to make enemies to grow economy


Keir Starmer confirms he's prepared to make enemies to grow economy


GB News presenter sinks to dismal new low with ‘Islamophobic’ AI-generated Sir Keir Starmer photos


The host has been accused of ‘weaponising Muslim women to attack a politician’.


Election Extra: Starmer and the Corbyn question – podcast


Reform have surged ahead of the Tories in the latest YouGov poll and as Keir Starmer prepares for a BBC grilling, will he have a better answer to questions about his past support for Jeremy Corbyn? Zoe Williams reports

Is Keir Starmer really a ‘political robot’? If he is, he’s one that’s been programmed to win | Jonathan Freedland


In office, something very different will be required, but steady caution has brought Labour to the brink of power


What Keir Starmer says Labour wants to 'get rid of' as he visits Halesowen on campaign trail

General election 2024 as Labour leader in Halesowen to boost campaign on day of manifesto launch as he claims Labour will 'get rid of no fault evictions'

Tories claim Keir Starmer could impose 18 tax hikes - including charging CGT on main home sales - after think-tanks cast doubt on manifesto


Keir Starmer unveiled his manifesto yesterday with plans to boost the burden by £8.5billion to pump money into services.


OPINION - If you knew Keir Starmer's father was a toolmaker, this newsletter is for you


Sadiq Khan and Sajid Javid's fathers: bus drivers. Theresa May and Gordon Brown's: clergymen. John Major's: a music hall performer. If you knew any of these, congratulations, you are a deeply weird person. In fact, even if you didn't, you…