
taxpayer / English

Stories published on May 18
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  • Stories published on May 18

Saturday, May 18


Colorado ballot initiative seeks right to taxpayer-funded abortions


A ballot initiative seeking to make abortion a right and requiring taxpayer funding through state and local health insurance plans qualifies for inclusion on Colorado's Nov. 5 ballot.


IRS Warns Taxpayers of Potential Scams Resulting in Inflated Refund Claims


The IRS is urging tax payers to stay vigilant of scams promising inflated refunds by following the IRS rules and trusted tax professionals.

Friday, May 17



Vladimir Putin's cronies are weaponising Britain's taxpayer-funded courts to pursue opponents - and can even use millions from their frozen bank accounts to do so despite sanctions, campaigners say


Despite the Government's tough talk on sanctions, since the war began it has recruited an extra 100 civil servants to rubber stamp legal licences for rogue Russians looking to spend their seized millions.

Florida investigates Muslim school over imam's antisemitic video, threatens to nix taxpayer-funded vouchers


An investigation has been launched into a private Muslim school in Florida following a video of an Imam describing the Israeli military as being "worse than the Nazis"

White House grilled on flow of taxpayer dollars to government DEI programs


A group of House Republicans are demanding the White House provide a full accounting of how taxpayer dollars have been spent on DEI.


Thursday, May 16


IRS Changes Rules for Taxpayers in One State


Those impacted by tornadoes in Ohio in March may qualify for some relief from the tax agency.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, colleagues introduce bill that would pay off Americans’ $220 billion medical debt with government (taxpayer) money


(NaturalNews) Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR), with Reps. Ro Khanna (D-CA.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) recently introduced a new bill that would...


NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials


National Institutes of Health (NIH) principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted to Congress Thursday that US taxpayers funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.


Poll: Taxpayers Turning on Funding NPR


Taxpayers are turning on the public funding of National Public Radio (NPR), according to the latest DailyMail.com/TIPP survey.


Top Labour chief bizarrely claimed £40k taxpayer's money to rent house next door


Pat McFadden, Sir Keir Starmer's national campaign co-ordinator is one of Labour's most powerful figures and used the unusual living arrangement for five years.

Labor to run $45m taxpayer-funded Future Made In Australia advertising campaign


Exclusive: Jim Chalmers defends budget spend to promote contentious policy, which will run before the election


L.A. Supervisors Vote to Have Taxpayers Fund Legal Bills for Pro-Hamas Activists Arrested at UCLA


The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has passed a motion to ensure that the public defender's office provides defense attorneys and legal resources for the pro-Palestinian activists arrested at the University of California Los…

Zimbabwe: Mudenda Tells MPs Snubbing Parliament to 'Respect Taxpayers' Money'


PARLIAMENT Speaker Jacob Mudenda has issued a stern warning to legislators not turning up for the August House business telling them to "respect taxpayers money".


Britain's biggest benefit cheats: How lowlife fraudsters fake needing wheelchairs, being single parents and even having dementia to swindle billions out of taxpayers..


Some of the biggest scroungers have been shamelessly caught going on 5k runs or faking illnesses to rake in their ill-gotten gains to splash out on luxury holidays and live the high life.


US suspends funds to Covid firm at centre of Wuhan ‘lab leak’ storm handed taxpayer cash to test pandemic viruses


THE US government has suspended funding to an organisation at the centre of the storm over the origins of Covid.

US suspends funds to Covid firm at centre of Wuhan ‘lab leak’ storm handed taxpayer cash to test pandemic viruses

THE US government has suspended funding to an organisation at the centre of the storm over the origins of Covid.