

Today News


The origins of the Christian Jubilee


We learn how the Christian Jubilee came to be, through the proclamation of the Holy Year 1300 by Pope Boniface VIII.


Burkina Faso: More than 220 villagers killed


A report by Human Rights Watch says over 220 civilians in Burkina Faso have been killed by military forces accused of cooperating with Islamic militants.


Archbishop Caccia: We must work to support developing countries


Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, speaks at the General Debate of the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development (FfD), and encourages working in concrete solidarity to reverse growing…

Guglielmo Marconi: 'The man who listened to the future'


Ahead of International Marconi Day and 150 years since his birth, we recall the rich legacy of Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor-entrepreneur who set up Vatican Radio in 1931 and installed a ‘big cell phone’ in Pope Pius XI’s car that…

African Synod delegates gather in Nairobi to prepare for the October Synod Assembly 2024


African Synod delegates have gathered in Nairobi, Kenya, for a three-day seminar to prepare for the Second Session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod on Synodality scheduled to take place this October in the Vatican


Papež Katolické akci: Vzájemné přijetí může zabránit válkám


Papež František promluvil k italské Katolické akci a v úvahách o chybějících, zachraňujících a život měnících objetích zdůrazňuje důležitost vzájemného přijímání.


Kenya: Severe floods ravage Nairobi


Ongoing heavy rain causes severe flooding in Kenya. The downpours that have been drenching the land since March have affected over 100,000 people across the country. More than 30 people have been killed in the floods and over 40,000…

Pope Francis receives Hungarian President


Hungary’s President, Tamás Sulyok, is received in private audience in the Vatican by Pope Francis.

Cardinal Parolin on Pope Francis’ pontificate: No reversals on reforms


Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin discusses key issues roiling the Church during the presentation of the new book, “Five questions agitating the Church”, by noted Vaticanist Ignazio Ingrao.


Pope to Hungarian pilgrims: 'The gift of peace begins in our hearts'


Meeting Hungarian pilgrims in the Vatican, Pope Francis encourages them to be men and women of peace and to continue to safeguard their Christian identity, and thanks the Hungarian Church for welcoming Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war.

Parolin: Žádný obrat zpět v reformách Františkova pontifikátu


Kardinál státní sekretář promluvil na prezentaci knihy vatikanisty Tg1 Ignazia Ingraa „Pět otázek, které znepokojují církev“, společně s ministrem kultury Sangiulianem.

Pope to Catholic Action: Embracing one another can prevent wars


Pope Francis addresses Italian Catholic Action and emphasises the importance of embracing others through reflections on missing, saving, and life-changing embraces.


Papež: 'Vyjednaný mír je lepší než nekonečná válka'


V rozhovoru pro televizní stanici CBS František vyzývá k zastavení válek na Ukrajině, v Gaze a po celém světě. Připomíná, že v církvi je místo pro každého: pokud se vám kněz ve farnosti nezdá přívětivý - říká -, hledejte jinde, vždycky se…


Pope: 'A negotiated peace is better than an endless war'


In an interview with CBS, Pope Francis calls for an end to the wars in Ukraine, Gaza, and around the world. He says there is room for everyone in the Church pointing out that if a parish priest doesn't seem welcoming, one can look…

Wednesday, Apr 24


UN Human Rights Chief deplores killings of children and women in Rafah


The United Nations Human Rights Chief Volker Türk has decried a series of Israeli strikes on Rafah in the past few days that have killed mostly children and women. He has repeated his warning against a full-scale incursion to an area to…

With the Patriarch of Jerusalem, 200 days since the start of the war


The Cardinal Patriarch of Jerusalem reflects on the ongoing war in Gaza expressing his belief it shows the inevitability of the two-state solution: “There is no alternative to the two states but the continuation of war."


South Sudan: Bishop Hiiboro Kussala reflecting on Vocations highlights gratitude


Reflecting on the recently celebrated World Day of Prayer for Vocations, South Sudan’s Catholic Bishop of Tombura Yambio says he is filled with gratitude for his own call to be a priest, for the priests he works with, and for the number of…

Cisco signs the "Rome Call for AI Ethics"


Cisco, the multinational digital communications technology company, signs the Pontifical Academy for Life’s “Rome Call for AI Ethics” committing to an ethical approach to artificial intelligence in the areas of Ethics, Education and Rights.


Papež František se setkal s ghanským viceprezidentem


Papež František přijal ve Vatikánu ghanského viceprezidenta Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

Papež: Přivítejme Marii, až zaklepe na naše dveře


František se ve videoposelství obrací na diecézní společenství v Molise, které na pouti přijímá obraz Panny Marie Fatimské, a vyzývá je, aby otevřelo své domovy a srdce její přítomnosti.

UNICEF chief warns of ‘catastrophic’ situation in Haiti


The Director General of UNICEF says more than three million children in Haiti are in need of humanitarian assistance, as conditions in the country continue to worsen.


Pope: Open the door to Our Lady


Pope Francis sends a video message to the Diocese of Termoli-Larino in southern Italy, that will welcome the statue of Our Lady of Fatima from April 27 to May 5, 2024. In it, the Pope encourages the faithful to open their doors and hearts…


František: Život v milosti podle Ducha


Ve středu 24. dubna přednesl papež František během generální audience na Svatopetrském náměstí další díl ze svých katechezí o neřestech a ctnostech.

Pope Francis meets with Ghana's Vice President


Pope Francis receives Ghana's Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, in the Vatican.


František: Palestina a Izrael mají být dva svobodné státy v dobrých vztazích


Na závěr generální audience se papež vrátil k výzvě k míru na Blízkém východě, na Ukrajině a v Myanmaru a připomněl, že válka „je porážka, na níž nejvíce vydělávají výrobci zbraní“.


Pope prays for peace and for a two-state solution in Palestine and Israel


Pope Francis pleads for global peace, emphasizing the devastating consequences of war and urging prayers for conflict-stricken regions like Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, and Myanmar, while advocating for peaceful resolutions and…

Pope at Audience: Live faith, hope and charity, to merit eternal life


During his Wednesday General Audience, Pope Francis transitions from discussing cardinal virtues, to the theological ones, reminding that faith, hope and charity help us follow Christ, guide our journey together toward holiness, and…

Tuesday, Apr 23


CAFOD: UK’s Rwanda deportation plan misguided approach to crisis


Britain's recent decision to approve legislation allowing the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda has sparked condemnation from humanitarian organizations including CAFOD, the aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales.


Five migrants drown in English Channel as Rwanda asylum bill passes


Five migrants, including a 7-year-old girl, drown attempting to cross the English Channel, only hours after Britain’s Parliament passes a bill to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, a move decried by several Catholic aid agencies.

"Šťastné jmeniny!", přání papeži ke svátku svatého Jiří


V Santa Martě nebo i sociálních sítích modlitby a projevy náklonnosti a vděčnosti papeži Františkovi alias Jorge Mario Bergogliovi v den liturgické památky mučedníka, jehož jméno nese.