
diet / English

Stories published on Jun 21
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  • Stories published on Jun 21

Friday, Jun 21


This simple diet flex can lower risk of heart disease


What if a simple tweak to your diet could significantly reduce your risk of heart disease without requiring you to go entirely meat-free?

New Study Reveals 2-Year Calorie Restriction Diet May Slow Aging Process


A 2-year calorie restriction diet significantly reduces biological aging and cardiovascular disease risk factors.


5:2 diet championed by The Daily Mail's Dr Michael Mosley - and favoured by politicians and celebrities - works better than drugs for type 2 diabetes, study suggests


A clinical trial of overweight and obese adults with type 2 diabetes has found the approach can improve blood glucose levels and boost weight loss more than taking common medication for the condition.


The Mediterranean diet is out — the Atlantic diet is the summer upgrade to know


This coastal diet could be the smart swap you need for ultimate summer wellness, says nutrionist Louise Pyne

Why Women Are Living Longer on the Mediterranean Diet


The ever-so-popular Mediterranean diet was voted the #1 diet in 2024 by the U.S. News...


Can nuts boost weight loss and blood sugar control on a calorie-restricted diet?


Researchers compared the effects of energy-restricted (ER) dietary patterns with nuts or without on body composition, weight, and glycemic management.


Study: Adding Nuts To Diet Boosts Weight Loss


Researchers in Australia have advised persons dieting to lose weight to consider eating a fistful of nuts here and there. The results of their review were published recently in the journal ‘Nutrition Research Reviews’. People who ate 1.5…

Thursday, Jun 20


'Opening up our eyes to the perks of personalised diets'


Dr Miriam Stoppard on the benefits of a tailor-made diet by using an individual’s biology, lifestyle and health history, and how this can have a greater impact than generic nutritional advice


The Standard American Diet Hasn't Changed Much In the Last Two Decades


A new study got into the nitty gritty of how our nation’s diet quality has changed over the past two decades.


Every man must add watermelon seeds to their diet and here's why


Watermelon seeds are often overlooked as a nutritious snack, but they offer a multitude of health benefits, particularly for men.

Every man must add watermelon seeds to their diet and here's why


Watermelon seeds are often overlooked as a nutritious snack, but they offer a multitude of health benefits, particularly for men.

Loose Women's Linda Robson shares struggles with diets and their severe side effects


Television presenter Linda Robson has opened up on her weight loss journey and the 'revolting' side effects she endured when she embarked on a strict diet plan


Linda Robson's hair fell out and 'breath stank' due to 'revolting' side effect of extreme diet

Loose Women's Linda Robson has candidly shared her experiences with a diet so severe it led to a series of "revolting" side effects. The 66 year old TV star, who has been open about her struggles with weight and body image, has tried…

TikTok Loves the 30-30-30 Diet. Experts Aren't Thrilled.


The plan is mostly Internet hype.


High-fat diet triggers anxiety in male rats through gut-brain axis disruption


Researchers investigate the impact of a high-fat diet on gut microbiome diversity and its effects on anxiety-related symptoms.


High-Fat Diets Boost Anxiety


Scientists at the University of Colorado, Boulder in the United States have discovered that some fatty foods can make anxiety worse. The study, published in the journal ‘Biological Research,’ explained how male rats fed a high-fat diet not…


Loose Women star Linda Robson’s hair fell out and 'breath stank' due to extreme diet


Linda Robson, who starred in The Bill and Birds of a Feather, said her weight had "yo-yoed so much over the years" as she also hit headlines in 2017 due to her extreme weight loss


Bring on the carbs! Roxy Jacenko shows off her tiny figure as she stocks up on Turkish bread in Sydney after being on a strict diet and losing 15kg


Roxy Jacenko looked to be in good spirits on Thursday when she was spotted doing a grocery run in the upmarket Sydney suburb of Double Bay.