
diet / English

Stories published on Jun 22
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  • Stories published on Jun 22

Saturday, Jun 22


From sluggish to sprightly: How ditching sugar transformed a dad's diet and life


At the beginning of the year, Steffan Rhys was a tired 44-year-old with a dad bod who had eaten and drank too much over Christmas - but he's now made big changes to his diet


Doctors say Pioppi Diet will see you lose weight and boost heart health


Nutritionists say it will cut inflammation and boost gut health

Doctors say Pioppi Diet will see you lose weight and boost heart health


Nutritionists say it will cut inflammation and boost gut health

The planetary health diet may help you live a longer, healthier life, study shows—here's how it compares to the Mediterranean diet


Risk of premature death was 30% lower for people who ate a planet-friendly diet, according to a recent study. Here's what the diet entails.


NHS doctor says one diet reduces risk of heart disease, dementia and cancer

Dr Rupy Aujla explained that poor diet is now costing the NHS £20billion a year

NHS doctor says one diet reduces risk of heart disease, dementia and cancer


Dr Rupy Aujla explained that poor diet is now costing the NHS £20billion a year


Roxy Jacenko reveals her shockingly expensive bill at exclusive Sydney restaurant - after losing 15kg on strict diet


Roxy Jacenko shared a post to social media on Saturday revealing the staggering bill she received after dining at one of Sydney's most exclusive restaurants.


Dr. Mike Israetel Critiques Hulk Hogan’s Diet and Training


Hulk Hogan was the face of America in WWE for the longest time due to his enigmatic personality. The tall, brooding, powerful wrestler grew popular amongst the audience for his physique and strength apart from several other quirks. Dr.…


Michael Mosley diet worked better than diabetes drugs in new trial


In the trial of 400 patients, those using the diet saw better results i the blood glucose levels and lost more than 21lbs on average

Michael Mosley diet worked better than diabetes drugs in new trial


In the trial of 400 patients, those using the diet saw better results i the blood glucose levels and lost more than 21lbs on average

The worst supermarket ‘fakeways’ with up to 2,100 calories per portion – and the best picks if you’re on a diet


CHANCES are when you opt for your favourite supermarket ‘fakeaway’, you think you’re making a healthy choice.


Nutritious diet may protect against type 2 diabetes, regardless of genetics


A healthy diet that adheres to nutrition recommendations is associated with better blood glucose levels and a lower risk of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, a new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows. This association was…

Friday, Jun 21


This simple diet flex can lower risk of heart disease


What if a simple tweak to your diet could significantly reduce your risk of heart disease without requiring you to go entirely meat-free?

New Study Reveals 2-Year Calorie Restriction Diet May Slow Aging Process


A 2-year calorie restriction diet significantly reduces biological aging and cardiovascular disease risk factors.


5:2 diet championed by The Daily Mail's Dr Michael Mosley - and favoured by politicians and celebrities - works better than drugs for type 2 diabetes, study suggests


A clinical trial of overweight and obese adults with type 2 diabetes has found the approach can improve blood glucose levels and boost weight loss more than taking common medication for the condition.


The Mediterranean diet is out — the Atlantic diet is the summer upgrade to know


This coastal diet could be the smart swap you need for ultimate summer wellness, says nutrionist Louise Pyne

Why Women Are Living Longer on the Mediterranean Diet


The ever-so-popular Mediterranean diet was voted the #1 diet in 2024 by the U.S. News...


Can nuts boost weight loss and blood sugar control on a calorie-restricted diet?


Researchers compared the effects of energy-restricted (ER) dietary patterns with nuts or without on body composition, weight, and glycemic management.


Study: Adding Nuts To Diet Boosts Weight Loss


Researchers in Australia have advised persons dieting to lose weight to consider eating a fistful of nuts here and there. The results of their review were published recently in the journal ‘Nutrition Research Reviews’. People who ate 1.5…